How to install TeamSpeak3 using flatpak/flathub or how to downgrade from TeamSpeak5 to TeamSpeak3 using flathub on linux
As of 6/2024, this tutorial is outdated since there is a separate TS3 and TS5 version on the flatpak repo.
$ flatpak install com.teamspeak.TeamSpeak
$ flatpak update --commit af1df787d5aecf0473dd93a98ed3fa728da9488050aa93253cd4b7dbe89f61ea com.teamspeak.TeamSpeak
$ flatpak --user mask com.teamspeak.TeamSpeak
> if you get this error
Looking for updates…
error: com.teamspeak.TeamSpeak not installed
> then you need to restart your terminal, if this doesnt help then reboot
> "mask" will prevent auto updates and will lock you on TS3 3.6.2