List of TeamSpeak 3 badges available in 2025. In order to receive a badge, you should launch the TeamSpeak 3 program. Next, click on "Tools" in the top menu, then select "Options." From there, choose "myTeamSpeak" on the left-hand menu. Then, on the right-hand side, select "Redeem Badge" and enter the code provided in the list below.

There are currently no time-limited badges available. If there are any, they will be displayed here. You can check out the codes that available without a time limit, they are listed below


# Available until Name Description Icon Code
129/11/2024Up, Up and Away!Find me on Mount Chiliad999674545
2no infoTeamSpeak StaffOfficial Staff Member)no code
329/01/2025Year of the Dragon 2024Arise, Shenron!YOTD24
430/09/2023Happy Summer 2023heat death of the universePROPELLER2023
5no infoG2 EsportsAged 20 years being a G2 fanno code
631/05/2023World Bonsai Dayharmony, balance, patienceWLRDBONSAIDAY
709/04/2023Backup day 2023Icon not foundWRLDBCKPDY
8no infoWorld Backup DayDon't be an April Fool. Back up your data!WRLDBCKPDY
905/04/2023Happy HanamiEnjoy the viewCHRRYBLSM
1021/02/2023Valentine's Day 2023Love you like my TamagotchiVLTND23
1101/01/2024Year of the Rabbit 2023Do a barrel roll!PHYOTB23
1217/01/2023Happy New Year 2023Aw man, here we go againKABOOM23
1310/01/2023Merry Christmas 2022There's snow place like homeSANTA22
1407/11/2022Halloween 2022Spooky_Scary_Skeletons.mp4SKULL22
15foreverTS Chat Alpha TesterHelped us test our new mobile app, thanks!no code
1621/10/2022International Peace DayUnited we stand, divided we fallPEACEDAY22
17foreverHelping HandParticipate in the TS5 Homebase Community Testno code
18foreverGommeHD.netYour #1 Minecraft Network for over 10 yearsGOMMEMODE
1901/09/2022Heatwave 2022I’m melting… helpICECREAM22
20foreverTS Gameday Participantntroduced & distributed via the 2nd TeamSpeak Gamedayno code
21foreverTS Gameday WinnerDistributed via the TeamSpeak Gamedayno code
2226/06/2022Father's Day 2022Not all heroes wear capesSPRHRO22
2331/05/2022PGL Antwerp 2022Watched the PGL CS:GO MajorPGLCS22
2415/05/2022Mother's Day 2022Thanks for bearing with usMTHRSDY22
25forever???Reads between the lineno code
2611/04/2022DigiDigi joined your channel #DIGWINDigination
2701/03/2022Year of the Tiger 2022Rocky sends his regardsLAOHU2022
28no infoMerry Christmas 2021Look what Santa's left under the server tree!HOHOHO21
2902/11/2021Halloween 2021 SpecialEarned by participating in our Halloween 2021 special streamno code
3002/11/2021Halloween 2021Happy Halloween 2021SWEETTREAT
31foreverImmortal RoleplayThis is your life.IMMORTALRP
32foreverSpartaTheOriginalOlaf Toast @
33forever20th AnniversaryCelebrating 20 Years of TeamSpeakTHANKYOU20
34foreverPietSmietWerde Snob auf ;)PIETSMIET
35foreverPrideNever be afraid to show your colors.PRIDEBADGE
3630/05/2021April Fools!Roses are red, gaming is fun, you are carrying too much to be able to run :EMDELOOFST
3707/04/2021International Women's Day 2021To all the mums, sisters, aunties, nieces and beyond, Happy Women's Day!IWDCTC2021
3814/03/2021Valentines Day 2021Roses are red, TS is blue, Servers are Sweet and so are you.NOTAGAIN21
3912/02/2021Year of the Ox 2021Only listen to the fortune cookie; disregard all other fortune telling units.NINHAOOX21
4031/01/2021Happy New Year 2021Survived the great toilet paper crisis of 2020FIREWORK20
4131/12/2020Merry Christmas 2020Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!SNOWFLAKES
4231/12/2020Braindance​I’m chippin’ inP4TEKZ80PZ
4331/12/2020CyberpunkWe have a city to burnZP08ZKET4P
4509/01/2022Challenge AcceptedTo get the Badge, you had to go to the Website and complete challengesno code
46foreverAlpha TesterGranted to all Alpha Testers of the brand-new TS Chat Mobile Appno code
4731/08/2022Drone Champions LeagueI follow the Drone Champions LeagueDRONECHAMP
4819/04/2020Mind EggFound in the TeamSpeak 2020 Easter Egg HuntMKUUNY6GTY
4919/04/2020Time EggFound in the TeamSpeak 2020 Easter Egg Hunt9CFAMVLLXC
5019/04/2020Soul EggFound in the TeamSpeak 2020 Easter Egg Hunt1Y34SHJE0W
5119/04/2020Space EggFound in the TeamSpeak 2020 Easter Egg HuntJFE3U2V0N7
5219/04/2020Power EggFound in the TeamSpeak 2020 Easter Egg HuntDJJCQTDWFX
5319/04/2020Reality EggFound in the TeamSpeak 2020 Easter Egg Hunt1B2JFU7HNL
5430/04/2020Stay Home, Stay SafePlaying Apart, Staying ConnectedK7B03BHHBW
5513/04/2020Overwatch LeagueI follow the Overwatch LeagueZ63S0XVHZF
56foreverTeamSpeak Merch Badge 3.0Buy a product from the 3rd Edition TeamSpeak Merchno code
5717/02/2020Valentim's Day 2020Valentim's Day 2020D8HYENCL3K
5831/12/2019Merry Christmas 2019It’s the most wonderful Tim of the Year5TN1PV1HHS
5931/12/2019Happy Holidays 2019Happy holidays from everyone at TeamSpeak!QTL3MXJZGN
6101/09/2019Gamescom2019Visited TeamSpeak at Gamescom 2019PNKCB76VZ8
62foreverSponsorship LicenseBe Sponsored by TeamSpeak. Partners received an email that contained 10 Codes for this Badge to share with their team or friendsno code
63foreverTestThe Test badge grants you access to the Closed Beta of TeamSpeak 5. Was distributed via email to users who had registered for the Closed Beta. The emails contained one, two, three, five, and sometimes (rarely) 10 codes that you could send to your friends or share with your community. Nowadays, the Test Badge is automatically assigned to your myTeamSpeak account that you used to sign up on beta.teamspeak.comno code
64foreverMet TimA similar badge to the “Found TimSpeak” that was only available at Gamescom 2018. This “Met Tim” Badge was awarded to everyone who found TimSpeak somewhereno code
6530/09/2019Time MachineUpdate Addons 104 to API 23no code
6615/03/2019TeamSpeak Merch Badge 2.0Buy a product from the 2nd Edition TeamSpeak Merchno code
6731/03/2019TeamSpeak Competition Winner BadgeWon through TeamSpeak Giveawayno code
6817/02/2019Valentim's Day 2019Valentim's Day 20195Q52W3VM1T
6931/10/2018TeamSpeak Merch BadgeBuy a product from the 1st Edition TeamSpeak Merchno code
7001/09/2018Found Tim SpeakFound Tim Speak at Gamescom 2018XJN4WJZEJN
7101/09/2018Gamescom Hero 2018Gamescom Exclusive Gaming Hero 2018XJN4WJZEJN
7201/09/2018Gamescom2018Visited TeamSpeak at Gamescom 20188CXB49KPJ4
7331/12/2018E3 2018 - WinnerDiscovered at E3 2018no code
7414/10/2018Official TeamSpeak GamerGiven to myTeamSpeak Account holders from May 2018 until August 2018. (exact dates are currently not known) Originally, this badge was intended to expire on 30.09.2018, but it didn’t. A new expiration date was added, 14.10.2022, and a post was made on social media asking users to check their inboxes in case they initially missed it. Newly created accounts (after August 2018) will NOT receive this code
7530/09/2018TeamSpeak JediGiven to MyTeamSpeak Account holders until May 2018no code
76foreverRocket Beans TVRocket Beans TV CommunityRWGE2NURJZ
77forever4NetplayersBecome a 4Netplayers client, i.e. rent a TS3no code
7831/12/2017MIFCOMBuy something in the MIFCOM Storeno code
7929/08/2017Gamescom Hero 2017Play at the TeamSpeak booth at Gamescom 2017no code
8001/09/2017Gamescom2017Visited TeamSpeak at Gamescom 2017DK9JGRJH1Q
81foreverTeamSpeak Addon Developer (Gold)Create five addons for TeamSpeakno code
82foreverTeamSpeak Addon Developer (Silver)Create three addons for TeamSpeakno code
83foreverTeamSpeak Addon Developer (Bronze)Create one addon for TeamSpeakno code
8430/06/2017Paris Games Week 2014Registered at Paris Games Week 2014no code
8530/06/2017Gamescom2014Registered at Gamescom 2014no code
8630/06/2017Paris Games Week 2016Registered during Paris Games Week 2016no code
8730/06/2017Gamescom2016Registered during Gamescom 2016no code
8830/06/2017TeamSpeak Addon AuthorCreate an addon for TeamSpeakno code
89no infoI’m a FloppyIntroduced at the end of November 2016 and removed on 16 February 2017no code
90no infoI’m a ScannerRemoved end of November 2016no code
91no infoInformed UserRemoved on 16 February 2017no code