. */ /** * @file * The ts3admin.class is a powerful api for communication with Teamspeak 3 Servers from your website! Your creativity knows no bounds! * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018, Stefan Zehnpfennig * @version * @package ts3admin * */ /** * \class ts3admin * \brief The ts3admin.class */ class ts3admin { //******************************************************************************************* //****************************************** Vars ******************************************* //******************************************************************************************* /** * runtime is an private handle and configuration storage * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig */ private $runtime = array('socket' => '', 'selected' => false, 'host' => '', 'queryport' => '10011', 'timeout' => 2, 'debug' => array(), 'fileSocket' => '', 'bot_clid' => '', 'bot_name' => ''); //******************************************************************************************* //*************************************** Constants ***************************************** //******************************************************************************************* const HostMessageMode_NONE = 0; const HostMessageMode_LOG = 1; const HostMessageMode_MODAL = 2; const HostMessageMode_MODALQUIT = 3; const HostBannerMode_NOADJUST = 0; const HostBannerMode_IGNOREASPECT = 1; const HostBannerMode_KEEPASPECT = 2; const CODEC_SPEEX_NARROWBAND = 0; const CODEC_SPEEX_WIDEBAND = 1; const CODEC_SPEEX_ULTRAWIDEBAND = 2; const CODEC_CELT_MONO = 3; const CODEC_OPUS_VOICE = 4; const CODEC_OPUS_MUSIC = 5; const CODEC_CRYPT_INDIVIDUAL = 0; const CODEC_CRYPT_DISABLED = 1; const CODEC_CRYPT_ENABLED = 2; const TextMessageTarget_CLIENT = 1; const TextMessageTarget_CHANNEL = 2; const TextMessageTarget_SERVER = 3; const LogLevel_ERROR = 1; const LogLevel_WARNING = 2; const LogLevel_DEBUG = 3; const LogLevel_INFO = 4; const REASON_KICK_CHANNEL = 4; const REASON_KICK_SERVER = 5; const PermGroupDBTypeTemplate = 0; const PermGroupDBTypeRegular = 1; const PermGroupDBTypeQuery = 2; const PermGroupTypeServerGroup = 0; const PermGroupTypeGlobalClient = 1; const PermGroupTypeChannel = 2; const PermGroupTypeChannelGroup = 3; const PermGroupTypeChannelClient = 4; const TokenServerGroup = 0; const TokenChannelGroup = 1; //******************************************************************************************* //************************************ Public Functions ************************************* //****************************************************************************************** /** * banAddByIp * * Adds a new ban rule on the selected virtual server. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [banid] => 109
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $ip clientIp * @param integer $time bantime in seconds (0=unlimited/default) [optional] * @param string $banreason Banreason [optional] * @return array banId */ function banAddByIp($ip, $time = 0, $banreason = NULL) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($banreason)) { $msg = ' banreason='.$this->escapeText($banreason); } else { $msg = NULL; } return $this->getData('array', 'banadd ip='.$ip.' time='.$time.$msg); } /** * banAddByUid * * Adds a new ban rule on the selected virtual server. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [banid] => 110
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $uid clientUniqueId * @param integer $time bantime in seconds (0=unlimited/default) [optional] * @param string $banreason Banreason [optional] * @return array banId */ function banAddByUid($uid, $time = 0, $banreason = NULL) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($banreason)) { $msg = ' banreason='.$this->escapeText($banreason); } else { $msg = NULL; } return $this->getData('array', 'banadd uid='.$uid.' time='.$time.$msg); } /** * banAddByName * * Adds a new ban rule on the selected virtual server. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [banid] => 111
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $name clientName * @param integer $time bantime in seconds (0=unlimited/default) [optional] * @param string $banreason Banreason [optional] * @return array banId */ function banAddByName($name, $time = 0, $banreason = NULL) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($banreason)) { $msg = ' banreason='.$this->escapeText($banreason); } else { $msg = NULL; } return $this->getData('array', 'banadd name='.$this->escapeText($name).' time='.$time.$msg); } /** * banClient * * Bans the client specified with ID clid from the server. Please note that this will create two separate ban rules for the targeted clients IP address and his unique identifier. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [1] => 129
  *  [2] => 130
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $clid clientId * @param integer $time bantime in seconds (0=unlimited/default) [optional] * @param string $banreason Banreason [optional] * @return array banIds */ function banClient($clid, $time = 0, $banreason = NULL) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($banreason)) { $msg = ' banreason='.$this->escapeText($banreason); } else { $msg = ''; } $result = $this->getData('plain', 'banclient clid='.$clid.' time='.$time.$msg); if($result['success']) { return $this->generateOutput(true, $result['errors'], $this->splitBanIds($result['data'])); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $result['errors'], false); } } /** * banDelete * * Deletes the ban rule with ID banid from the server. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $banID banID * @return array success */ function banDelete($banID) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'bandel banid='.$banID); } /** * banDeleteAll * * Deletes all active ban rules from the server. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array success */ function banDeleteAll() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'bandelall'); } /** * banList * * Displays a list of active bans on the selected virtual server. * * Note: If [name] is always empty use [lastnickname] * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [banid] => 131
  *  [ip] =>
  *  [name] => eugen
  *  [uid] => IYAntAcZHgVC7s3n3DNWmuJB/aM=
  *  [created] => 1286660391
  *  [duration] => 0
  *  [invokername] => Par0noid
  *  [invokercldbid] => 2086
  *  [invokeruid] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [reason] => insult
  *  [enforcements] => 0
  *  [lastnickname] => eugen
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array banlist */ function banList() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'banlist'); } /** * bindingList * * Displays a list of IP addresses used by the server instance on multi-homed machines. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [ip] =>
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $subsystem (1: voice, 2: query, 3: filetransfer) * @return array bindingList */ function bindingList($subsystem = 0) { return $this->getData('multi', 'bindinglist'.($subsystem == 1 ? ' subsystem=voice' : '').($subsystem == 2 ? ' subsystem=query' : '').($subsystem == 3 ? ' subsystem=filetransfer' : '')); } /** * channelAddPerm * * Adds a set of specified permissions to a channel. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the two parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions['permissionID'] = 'permissionValue';
  * //or you could use Permission Name
  * $permissions['permissionName'] = 'permissionValue';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelId * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function channelAddPerm($cid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(count($permissions) > 0) { //Permissions given //Errorcollector $errors = array(); //Split Permissions to prevent query from overload $permissions = array_chunk($permissions, 50, true); //Action for each splitted part of permission foreach($permissions as $permission_part) { //Create command_string for each command that we could use implode later $command_string = array(); foreach($permission_part as $key => $value) { $command_string[] = (is_numeric($key) ? "permid=" : "permsid=").$this->escapeText($key).' permvalue='.$value; } $result = $this->getData('boolean', 'channeladdperm cid='.$cid.' '.implode('|', $command_string)); if(!$result['success']) { foreach($result['errors'] as $error) { $errors[] = $error; } } } if(count($errors) == 0) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $errors, false); } }else{ // No permissions given $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * channelClientAddPerm * * Adds a set of specified permissions to a client in a specific channel. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the three parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions['permissionID'] = 'permissionValue';
  * //or you could use Permission Name
  * $permissions['permissionName'] = 'permissionValue';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function channelClientAddPerm($cid, $cldbid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(count($permissions) > 0) { //Permissions given //Errorcollector $errors = array(); //Split Permissions to prevent query from overload $permissions = array_chunk($permissions, 50, true); //Action for each splitted part of permission foreach($permissions as $permission_part) { //Create command_string for each command that we could use implode later $command_string = array(); foreach($permission_part as $key => $value) { $command_string[] = (is_numeric($key) ? "permid=" : "permsid=").$this->escapeText($key).' permvalue='.$value; } $result = $this->getData('boolean', 'channelclientaddperm cid='.$cid.' cldbid='.$cldbid.' '.implode('|', $command_string)); if(!$result['success']) { foreach($result['errors'] as $error) { $errors[] = $error; } } } if(count($errors) == 0) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $errors, false); } }else{ // No permissions given $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * channelClientDelPerm * * Removes a set of specified permissions from a client in a specific channel. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionID';
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionName';
  * //or
  * $permissions = array('permissionID', 'permissionName', 'permissionID');
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function channelClientDelPerm($cid, $cldbid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $permissionArray = array(); if(count($permissions) > 0) { foreach($permissions AS $value) { $permissionArray[] = is_numeric($value) ? 'permid='.$value : 'permsid='.$value; } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channelclientdelperm cid='.$cid.' cldbid='.$cldbid.' '.implode('|', $permissionArray)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * channelClientPermList * * Displays a list of permissions defined for a client in a specific channel. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 250 (only in first result)
  *  [cldbid] => 2086 (only in first result)
  *  [permid] => 12876 (if permsid = false)
  *  [permsid] => b_client_info_view (if permsid = true)
  *  [permvalue] => 1
  *  [permnegated] => 0
  *  [permskip] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @param boolean $permsid displays permissionName instead of permissionID * @return array channelclientpermlist */ function channelClientPermList($cid, $cldbid, $permsid = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'channelclientpermlist cid='.$cid.' cldbid='.$cldbid.($permsid ? ' -permsid' : '')); } /** * channelCreate * * Creates a new channel using the given properties and displays its ID. Note that this command accepts multiple properties which means that you're able to specifiy all settings of the new channel at once. * * Hint: don't forget to set channel_flag_semi_permanent = 1 or channel_flag_permanent = 1 * * Hint: you'll get an error if you want to create a channel without channel_name * * Hint: to set the parent channel you've to use cpid instead of pid * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $data = array();
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
* * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 257
  * }
* * Possible properties: CHANNEL_NAME, CHANNEL_TOPIC, CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION, CHANNEL_PASSWORD, CHANNEL_CODEC, CHANNEL_CODEC_QUALITY, CHANNEL_MAXCLIENTS, CHANNEL_MAXFAMILYCLIENTS, CHANNEL_ORDER, CHANNEL_FLAG_PERMANENT, CHANNEL_FLAG_SEMI_PERMANENT, CHANNEL_FLAG_TEMPORARY, CHANNEL_FLAG_DEFAULT, CHANNEL_FLAG_MAXCLIENTS_UNLIMITED, CHANNEL_FLAG_MAXFAMILYCLIENTS_UNLIMITED, CHANNEL_FLAG_MAXFAMILYCLIENTS_INHERITED, CHANNEL_NEEDED_TALK_POWER, CHANNEL_NAME_PHONETIC, CHANNEL_ICON_ID, CHANNEL_CODEC_IS_UNENCRYPTED, CPID * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $data properties * @return array channelInfo */ function channelCreate($data) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $propertiesString = ''; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $propertiesString .= ' '.strtolower($key).'='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('array', 'channelcreate '.$propertiesString); } /** * channelDelete * * Deletes an existing channel by ID. If force is set to 1, the channel will be deleted even if there are clients within. The clients will be kicked to the default channel with an appropriate reason message. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param integer $force {1|0} (default: 1) * @return array success */ function channelDelete($cid, $force = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channeldelete cid='.$cid.' force='.$force); } /** * channelDelPerm * * Removes a set of specified permissions from a channel. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionID';
  * //or you could use
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionName';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function channelDelPerm($cid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $permissionArray = array(); if(count($permissions) > 0) { foreach($permissions AS $value) { $permissionArray[] = (is_numeric($value) ? 'permid=' : 'permsid=').$value; } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channeldelperm cid='.$cid.' '.implode('|', $permissionArray)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * channelEdit * * Changes a channels configuration using given properties. Note that this command accepts multiple properties which means that you're able to change all settings of the channel specified with cid at once. * * Input-Array like this: *
  *	$data = array();
  *	$data['setting'] = 'value';
  *	$data['setting'] = 'value';
* * Possible properties: Take a look at channelCreate function * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid $channelID * @param array $data edited settings * @return array success */ function channelEdit($cid, $data) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $settingsString = ''; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $settingsString .= ' '.strtolower($key).'='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channeledit cid='.$cid.$settingsString); } /** * channelFind * * displays a list of channels matching a given name pattern. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 2
  *  [channel_name] => Lobby
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $pattern channelName * @return array channelList */ function channelFind($pattern) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'channelfind pattern='.$this->escapeText($pattern)); } /** * channelGetIconByChannelID * * Will return the base64 encoded binary of the channelIcon * *
 * $result = $tsAdmin->channelGetIconByChannelID($channelID);
 * You can display it like: echo '';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $channelID channelID * @return array base64 image */ function channelGetIconByChannelID($channelID) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(empty($channelID)) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: empty channelID'), false); } $channel = $this->channelInfo($channelID); if(!$channel["success"]) { return $this->generateOutput(false, $channel["error"], false); } return $this->getIconByID($channel["data"]["channel_icon_id"]); } /** * channelGroupAdd * * Creates a new channel group using a given name and displays its ID. The optional type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery groups and template groups. * * groupDbTypes: *
  1. template group (used for new virtual servers)
  2. *
  3. regular group (used for regular clients)
  4. *
  5. global query group (used for ServerQuery clients)
  6. *
* * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cgid] => 86
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $name groupName * @param integer $type groupDbType [optional] (default: 1) * @return array success */ function channelGroupAdd($name, $type = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'channelgroupadd name='.$this->escapeText($name).' type='.$type); } /** * channelGroupAddClient * * Sets the channel group of a client to the ID specified with cgid. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cgid groupID * @param integer $cid channelID * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array success */ function channelGroupAddClient($cgid, $cid, $cldbid) { return $this->setclientchannelgroup($cgid, $cid, $cldbid); } /** * channelGroupAddPerm * * Adds a set of specified permissions to a channel group. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the two parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions['permissionID'] = 'permissionValue';
  * //or you could use:
  * $permissions['permissionName'] = 'permissionValue';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cgid channelGroupID * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function channelGroupAddPerm($cgid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(count($permissions) > 0) { //Permissions given //Errorcollector $errors = array(); //Split Permissions to prevent query from overload $permissions = array_chunk($permissions, 50, true); //Action for each splitted part of permission foreach($permissions as $permission_part) { //Create command_string for each command that we could use implode later $command_string = array(); foreach($permission_part as $key => $value) { $command_string[] = (is_numeric($key) ? "permid=" : "permsid=").$this->escapeText($key).' permvalue='.$value; } $result = $this->getData('boolean', 'channelgroupaddperm cgid='.$cgid.' '.implode('|', $command_string)); if(!$result['success']) { foreach($result['errors'] as $error) { $errors[] = $error; } } } if(count($errors) == 0) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $errors, false); } }else{ // No permissions given $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * channelGroupClientList * * Displays all the client and/or channel IDs currently assigned to channel groups. All three parameters are optional so you're free to choose the most suitable combination for your requirement * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 2
  *  [cldbid] => 9
  *  [cgid] => 9
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID [optional] * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID [optional] * @param integer $cgid channelGroupID [optional] * @return array channelGroupClientList */ function channelGroupClientList($cid = NULL, $cldbid = NULL, $cgid = NULL) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'channelgroupclientlist'.(!empty($cid) ? ' cid='.$cid : '').(!empty($cldbid) ? ' cldbid='.$cldbid : '').(!empty($cgid) ? ' cgid='.$cgid : '')); } /** * channelGroupCopy * * Creates a copy of the channel group specified with scgid. If tcgid is set to 0, the server will create a new group. To overwrite an existing group, simply set tcgid to the ID of a designated target group. If a target group is set, the name parameter will be ignored. The type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery groups and template groups. * * groupDbTypes: *
  1. template group (used for new virtual servers)
  2. *
  3. regular group (used for regular clients)
  4. *
  5. global query group (used for ServerQuery clients)
  6. *
* * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cgid] => 86
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $scgid sourceChannelGroupID * @param integer $tcgid targetChannelGroupID * @param integer $name groupName * @param integer $type groupDbType * @return array groupId */ function channelGroupCopy($scgid, $tcgid, $name, $type = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'channelgroupcopy scgid='.$scgid.' tcgid='.$tcgid.' name='.$this->escapeText($name).' type='.$type); } /** * channelGroupDelete * * Deletes a channel group by ID. If force is set to 1, the channel group will be deleted even if there are clients within. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cgid channelGroupID * @param integer $force forces deleting channelGroup (default: 1) * @return array success */ function channelGroupDelete($cgid, $force = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channelgroupdel cgid='.$cgid.' force='.$force); } /** * channelGroupDelPerm * * Removes a set of specified permissions from the channel group. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionID';
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionName';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cgid channelGroupID * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function channelGroupDelPerm($cgid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $permissionArray = array(); if(count($permissions) > 0) { foreach($permissions AS $value) { $permissionArray[] = (is_numeric($value) ? 'permid=' : 'permsid=').$value; } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channelgroupdelperm cgid='.$cgid.' '.implode('|', $permissionArray)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * channelGroupGetIconByCGID * * Will return the base64 encoded binary of the channelGroupIcon * *
 * $result = $tsAdmin->channelGroupGetIconByCGID($channelGroupID);
 * You can display it like: echo '';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $channelGroupID channelGroupID * @return array base64 image */ function channelGroupGetIconByCGID($channelGroupID) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(empty($channelGroupID)) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: empty channelGroupID'), false); } $channelGroupList = $this->channelGroupList(); if(!$channelGroupList["success"]) { return $this->generateOutput(false, $channelGroupList["error"], false); } $cgid = -1; $iconID = 0; foreach($channelGroupList['data'] as $group) { if($group['cgid'] == $channelGroupID) { $cgid = $group['cgid']; $iconID = $group['iconid']; break; } } if($cgid == -1) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: invalid channelGroupID'), false); } if($iconID == '0') { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: channelGroup has no icon'), false); } return $this->getIconByID($iconID); } /** * channelGroupList * * Displays a list of channel groups available on the selected virtual server. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cgid] => 3
  *  [name] => Testname
  *  [type] => 0
  *  [iconid] => 100
  *  [savedb] => 1
  *  [sortid] => 0
  *  [namemode] => 0
  *  [n_modifyp] => 75
  *  [n_member_addp] => 50
  *  [n_member_removep] => 50
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array channelGroupList */ function channelGroupList() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'channelgrouplist'); } /** * channelGroupPermList * * Displays a list of permissions assigned to the channel group specified with cgid. * If the permsid option is specified, the output will contain the permission names instead of the internal IDs. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [permid] => 8471 (displayed if permsid is false)
  *  [permsid] => i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_latency_factor_min (displayed if permsid is true)
  *  [permvalue] => 1
  *  [permnegated] => 0
  *  [permskip] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cgid channelGroupID * @param boolean $permsid permsid * @return array channelGroupPermlist */ function channelGroupPermList($cgid, $permsid = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'channelgrouppermlist cgid='.$cgid.($permsid ? ' -permsid' : '')); } /** * channelGroupRename * * Changes the name of a specified channel group. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cgid groupID * @param integer $name groupName * @return array success */ function channelGroupRename($cgid, $name) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channelgrouprename cgid='.$cgid.' name='.$this->escapeText($name)); } /** * channelInfo * * Displays detailed configuration information about a channel including ID, topic, description, etc. * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [pid] => 0
  *  [channel_name] => Test
  *  [channel_topic] => 
  *  [channel_description] => 
  *  [channel_password] => cc97Pm4oOYq0J9fXDAgiWv/qScQ=
  *  [channel_codec] => 2
  *  [channel_codec_quality] => 7
  *  [channel_maxclients] => -1
  *  [channel_maxfamilyclients] => -1
  *  [channel_order] => 1
  *  [channel_flag_permanent] => 1
  *  [channel_flag_semi_permanent] => 0
  *  [channel_flag_default] => 0
  *  [channel_flag_password] => 0
  *  [channel_codec_latency_factor] => 1
  *  [channel_codec_is_unencrypted] => 1
  *	 [channel_security_salt] => 
  *  [channel_delete_delay] => 0
  *  [channel_flag_maxclients_unlimited] => 1
  *  [channel_flag_maxfamilyclients_unlimited] => 0
  *  [channel_flag_maxfamilyclients_inherited] => 1
  *  [channel_filepath] => files\\virtualserver_1\\channel_2
  *  [channel_needed_talk_power] => 0
  *  [channel_forced_silence] => 0
  *  [channel_name_phonetic] => 
  *  [channel_icon_id] => 0
  *	 [channel_flag_private] => 0
  *  [seconds_empty] => 61 (If it's a temporary channel with a channel delete delay)
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @return array channelInfo */ function channelInfo($cid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'channelinfo cid='.$cid); } /** * channelClientList * * Displays a list of clients online on a virtual server in a specific channel including their ID, nickname, status flags, etc. The output can be modified using several command options. Please note that the output will only contain clients which are currently in channels you're able to subscribe to. * * Possible params: [-uid] [-away] [-voice] [-times] [-groups] [-info] [-icon] [-country] [-ip] [-badges] * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [clid] => 1
  *  [cid] => 3
  *  [client_database_id] => 2
  *  [client_nickname] => Par0noid
  *  [client_type] => 0
  *  [-uid] => [client_unique_identifier] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [-away] => [client_away] => 0
  *  [-away] => [client_away_message] => 
  *  [-voice] => [client_flag_talking] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_input_muted] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_output_muted] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_input_hardware] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_output_hardware] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_talk_power] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_talker] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_priority_speaker] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_recording] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_channel_commander] => 0
  *  [-times] => [client_idle_time] => 1714
  *  [-times] => [client_created] => 1361027850
  *  [-times] => [client_lastconnected] => 1361042955
  *  [-groups] => [client_servergroups] => 6,7
  *  [-groups] => [client_channel_group_id] => 8
  *  [-groups] => [client_channel_group_inherited_channel_id] => 1
  *  [-info] => [client_version] => [Build: 1351504843]
  *  [-info] => [client_platform] => Windows
  *  [-icon] => [client_icon_id] => 0
  *  [-country] => [client_country] => 
  *  [-ip] => [connection_client_ip] =>
  *  [-badges] => [client_badges] => Overwolf=0
  * }
  * Usage:
  * $ts3->channelClientList(3); //No parameters
  * $ts3->channelClientList(3, "-uid"); //Single parameter
  * $ts3->channelClientList(3, "-uid -away -voice -times -groups -info -country -icon -ip -badges"); //Multiple parameters
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cid channelID * @param string $params additional parameters [optional] * @return array clientList */ function channelClientList($cid, $params = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($params)) { $params = ' '.$params; } $result = $this->getData('multi', 'clientlist'.$params); if($result['success']) { $clients = array(); if(count($result['data']) > 0) { foreach($result['data'] as $client) { if($client['cid'] == $cid) { $clients[] = $client; } } } return $this->generateOutput(true, null, $clients); } else { return $result; } } /** * channelList * * Displays a list of channels created on a virtual server including their ID, order, name, etc. The output can be modified using several command options. * * Possible parameters: [-topic] [-flags] [-voice] [-limits] [-icon] [-secondsempty] * * Output: (without parameters) *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 2
  *  [pid] => 0
  *  [channel_order] => 1
  *  [channel_name] => Test
  *  [total_clients] => 0
  *  [channel_needed_subscribe_power] => 0
  * }
* Output: (from parameters) *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [-topic] => [channel_topic] => Default Channel has no topic
  *  [-flags] => [channel_flag_default] => 1
  *  [-flags] => [channel_flag_password] => 0
  *  [-flags] => [channel_flag_permanent] => 1
  *  [-flags] => [channel_flag_semi_permanent] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [channel_codec] => 2
  *  [-voice] => [channel_codec_quality] => 7
  *  [-voice] => [channel_needed_talk_power] => 0
  *  [-limits] => [total_clients_family] => 1
  *  [-limits] => [channel_maxclients] => -1
  *  [-limits] => [channel_maxfamilyclients] => -1
  *  [-icon] => [channel_icon_id] => 0
  *  [-seconds_empty] => [seconds_empty] => -1
  * }
* Usage: *
  * $ts3->channelList(); //No parameters
  * $ts3->channelList("-flags"); //Single parameter
  * $ts3->channelList("-topic -flags -voice -limits -icon"); //Multiple parameters / all
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $params additional parameters [optional] * @return array channelList */ function channelList($params = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($params)) { $params = ' '.$params; } return $this->getData('multi', 'channellist'.$params); } /** * channelMove * * Moves a channel to a new parent channel with the ID cpid. If order is specified, the channel will be sorted right under the channel with the specified ID. If order is set to 0, the channel will be sorted right below the new parent. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param integer $cpid channelParentID * @param integer $order channelSortOrder * @return array success */ function channelMove($cid, $cpid, $order = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'channelmove cid='.$cid.' cpid='.$cpid.($order != null ? ' order='.$order : '')); } /** * channelPermList * * Displays a list of permissions defined for a channel. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 2 (only in first result)
  *  [permid] => 8471 (if permsid = false)
  *  [permsid] => i_channel_needed_delete_power (if permsid = true)
  *  [permvalue] => 1
  *  [permnegated] => 0
  *  [permskip] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param boolean $permsid displays permissionName instead of permissionID [optional] * @return array channelpermlist */ function channelPermList($cid, $permsid = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'channelpermlist cid='.$cid.($permsid ? ' -permsid' : '')); } /** * clientAddPerm * * Adds a set of specified permissions to a client. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the three parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions['permissionID'] = array('permissionValue', 'permskip');
  * //or you could use Permission Name
  * $permissions['permissionName'] = array('permissionValue', 'permskip');
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function clientAddPerm($cldbid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(count($permissions) > 0) { //Permissions given //Errorcollector $errors = array(); //Split Permissions to prevent query from overload $permissions = array_chunk($permissions, 50, true); //Action for each splitted part of permission foreach($permissions as $permission_part) { //Create command_string for each command that we could use implode later $command_string = array(); foreach($permission_part as $key => $value) { $command_string[] = (is_numeric($key) ? "permid=" : "permsid=").$this->escapeText($key).' permvalue='.$this->escapeText($value[0]).' permskip='.$this->escapeText($value[1]); } $result = $this->getData('boolean', 'clientaddperm cldbid='.$cldbid.' '.implode('|', $command_string)); if(!$result['success']) { foreach($result['errors'] as $error) { $errors[] = $error; } } } if(count($errors) == 0) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $errors, false); } }else{ // No permissions given $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * clientAvatar * * Will return the base64 encoded binary of the clients avatar * *
 * $result = $tsAdmin->clientAvatar($uid);
 * You can display it like: echo '';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $uid clientUID * @return array base64 image */ function clientAvatar($uid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(empty($uid)) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: empty uid'), false); } $newChars = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p'); $auid = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= 19; $i++) { $char = ord(substr(base64_decode($uid), $i, 1)); $auid .= $newChars[($char & 0xF0) >> 4]; $auid .= $newChars[$char & 0x0F]; } $check = $this->ftgetfileinfo(0, '', '/avatar_'.$auid); if(!$check["success"]) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: avatar does not exist'), false); } $init = $this->ftInitDownload('/avatar_'.$auid, 0, ''); if(!$init["success"]) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: init failed'), false); } $download = $this->ftDownloadFile($init); if(is_array($download)) { return $download; }else{ return $this->generateOutput(true, false, base64_encode($download)); } } /** * clientDbDelete * * Deletes a clients properties from the database. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array success */ function clientDbDelete($cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientdbdelete cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * clientDbEdit * * Changes a clients settings using given properties. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $data = array();
  * $data['property'] = 'value';
  * $data['property'] = 'value';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @param array $data clientProperties * @return array success */ function clientDbEdit($cldbid, $data) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $settingsString = ''; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $settingsString .= ' '.strtolower($key).'='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientdbedit cldbid='.$cldbid.$settingsString); } /** * clientDbFind * * Displays a list of client database IDs matching a given pattern. You can either search for a clients last known nickname or his unique identity by using the -uid option. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cldbid] => 2
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $pattern clientName * @param boolean $uid set true to add -uid param [optional] * @return array clientList */ function clientDbFind($pattern, $uid = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'clientdbfind pattern='.$this->escapeText($pattern).($uid ? ' -uid' : '')); } /** * clientDbInfo * * Displays detailed database information about a client including unique ID, creation date, etc. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [client_unique_identifier] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [client_nickname] => par0noid
  *  [client_database_id] => 2
  *  [client_created] => 1361027850
  *  [client_lastconnected] => 1361027850
  *  [client_totalconnections] => 1
  *  [client_flag_avatar] => 
  *  [client_description] => 
  *  [client_month_bytes_uploaded] => 0
  *  [client_month_bytes_downloaded] => 0
  *  [client_total_bytes_uploaded] => 0
  *  [client_total_bytes_downloaded] => 0
  *  [client_base64HashClientUID] => jneilbgomklpfnkjclkoggokfdmdlhnbbpmdpagh
  *  [client_lastip] =>
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array clientDbInfo */ function clientDbInfo($cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'clientdbinfo cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * clientDbList * * Displays a list of client identities known by the server including their database ID, last nickname, etc. * * Possible params: [start={offset}] [duration={limit}] [-count] * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [count] => 1 (if count parameter is set)
  *  [cldbid] => 2
  *  [client_unique_identifier] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [client_nickname] => par0noid
  *  [client_created] => 1361027850
  *  [client_lastconnected] => 1361027850
  *  [client_totalconnections] => 1
  *  [client_description] => 
  *  [client_lastip] =>
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $start offset [optional] (Default: 0) * @param integer $duration limit [optional] (Default: -1) * @param boolean $count set true to add -count param [optional] * @return array clientdblist */ function clientDbList($start = 0, $duration = -1, $count = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'clientdblist'.($start != 0 ? ' start='.$start : '').($duration != -1 ? ' duration='.$duration : '').($count ? ' -count' : '')); } /** * clientDelPerm * * Removes a set of specified permissions from a client. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions['permissionID'] = 'permissionValue';
  * //or you could use Permission Name
  * $permissions['permissionName'] = 'permissionValue';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @param array $permissionIds permissionIDs * @return array success */ function clientDelPerm($cldbid, $permissionIds) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $permissionArray = array(); if(count($permissionIds) > 0) { foreach($permissionIds AS $value) { $permissionArray[] = (is_numeric($value) ? 'permid=' : 'permsid=').$value; } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientdelperm cldbid='.$cldbid.' '.implode('|', $permissionArray)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * clientEdit * * Changes a clients settings using given properties. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $data = array();
  * $data['property'] = 'value';
  * $data['property'] = 'value';
* * Possible properties: CLIENT_IS_TALKER, CLIENT_DESCRIPTION, CLIENT_IS_CHANNEL_COMMANDER, CLIENT_ICON_ID * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $clid clientID * @param array $data clientProperties * @return array success */ function clientEdit($clid, $data) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $settingsString = ''; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $settingsString .= ' '.strtolower($key).'='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientedit clid='.$clid.$settingsString); } /** * clientFind * * Displays a list of clients matching a given name pattern. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [clid] => 18
  *  [client_nickname] => par0noid
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $pattern clientName * @return array clienList */ function clientFind($pattern) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'clientfind pattern='.$this->escapeText($pattern)); } /** * clientGetDbIdFromUid * * Displays the database ID matching the unique identifier specified by cluid. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cluid] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [cldbid] => 2
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cluid clientUID * @return array clientInfo */ function clientGetDbIdFromUid($cluid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'clientgetdbidfromuid cluid='.$cluid); } /** * clientGetIds * * Displays all client IDs matching the unique identifier specified by cluid. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cluid] => nUixbdf/XakrrmsdffO30R/D8Gc=
  *  [clid] => 7
  *  [name] => Par0noid
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cluid clientUID * @return array clientList */ function clientGetIds($cluid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'clientgetids cluid='.$cluid); } /** * clientGetNameFromDbid * * Displays the unique identifier and nickname matching the database ID specified by cldbid. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cluid] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [cldbid] => 2
  *  [name] => Par0noid
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array clientInfo */ function clientGetNameFromDbid($cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'clientgetnamefromdbid cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * clientGetNameFromUid * * Displays the database ID and nickname matching the unique identifier specified by cluid. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cluid] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [cldbid] => 2
  *  [name] => Par0noid
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cluid clientUID * @return array clientInfo */ function clientGetNameFromUid($cluid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'clientgetnamefromuid cluid='.$cluid); } /** * clientInfo * * Displays detailed configuration information about a client including unique ID, nickname, client version, etc. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 2
  *  [client_idle_time] => 4445369
  *  [client_unique_identifier] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [client_nickname] => par0noid
  *  [client_version] => [Build: 1351504843]
  *  [client_platform] => Windows
  *  [client_input_muted] => 1
  *  [client_output_muted] => 1
  *  [client_outputonly_muted] => 0
  *  [client_input_hardware] => 1
  *  [client_output_hardware] => 1
  *  [client_default_channel] => 
  *  [client_meta_data] => 
  *  [client_is_recording] => 0
  *  [client_version_sign] => ldWL49uDKC3N9uxdgWRMTOzUabc1nBqUiOa+Nal5HvdxJiN4fsTnmmPo5tvglN7WqoVoFfuuKuYq1LzodtEtCg==
  *  [client_security_hash] => 
  *  [client_login_name] => 
  *  [client_database_id] => 2
  *  [client_channel_group_id] => 5
  *  [client_servergroups] => 6
  *  [client_created] => 1361027850
  *  [client_lastconnected] => 1361027850
  *  [client_totalconnections] => 1
  *  [client_away] => 0
  *  [client_away_message] => 
  *  [client_type] => 0
  *  [client_flag_avatar] => 
  *  [client_talk_power] => 75
  *  [client_talk_request] => 0
  *  [client_talk_request_msg] => 
  *  [client_description] => 
  *  [client_is_talker] => 0
  *  [client_month_bytes_uploaded] => 0
  *  [client_month_bytes_downloaded] => 0
  *  [client_total_bytes_uploaded] => 0
  *  [client_total_bytes_downloaded] => 0
  *  [client_is_priority_speaker] => 0
  *  [client_nickname_phonetic] => 
  *  [client_needed_serverquery_view_power] => 75
  *  [client_default_token] => 
  *  [client_icon_id] => 0
  *  [client_is_channel_commander] => 0
  *  [client_country] => 
  *  [client_channel_group_inherited_channel_id] => 2
  *  [client_badges] => Overwolf=0
  *  [client_myteamspeak_id] => 
  *  [client_base64HashClientUID] => jneilbgomklpfnkjclkoggokfdmdlhnbbpmdpagh
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_sent] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_received] => 0
  *  [connection_packets_sent_total] => 12130
  *  [connection_bytes_sent_total] => 542353
  *  [connection_packets_received_total] => 12681
  *  [connection_bytes_received_total] => 592935
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_total] => 82
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_total] => 92
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_total] => 84
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_total] => 88
  *  [connection_connected_time] => 5908749
  *  [connection_client_ip] =>
  * } 
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $clid clientID * @return array clientInformation */ function clientInfo($clid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'clientinfo clid='.$clid); } /** * clientKick * * Kicks one or more clients specified with clid from their currently joined channel or from the server, depending on reasonid. The reasonmsg parameter specifies a text message sent to the kicked clients. This parameter is optional and may only have a maximum of 40 characters. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $clid clientID * @param string $kickMode kickMode (server or channel) (Default: server) * @param string $kickmsg kick reason [optional] * @return array success */ function clientKick($clid, $kickMode = "server", $kickmsg = "") { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(in_array($kickMode, array('server', 'channel'))) { if($kickMode == 'server') { $from = '5'; } if($kickMode == 'channel') { $from = '4'; } if(!empty($kickmsg)) { $msg = ' reasonmsg='.$this->escapeText($kickmsg); } else{ $msg = ''; } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientkick clid='.$clid.' reasonid='.$from.$msg); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('invalid kickMode'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: invalid kickMode'), false); } } /** * clientList * * Displays a list of clients online on a virtual server including their ID, nickname, status flags, etc. The output can be modified using several command options. Please note that the output will only contain clients which are currently in channels you're able to subscribe to. * * Possible params: [-uid] [-away] [-voice] [-times] [-groups] [-info] [-icon] [-country] [-ip] [-badges] * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [clid] => 1
  *  [cid] => 1
  *  [client_database_id] => 2
  *  [client_nickname] => Par0noid
  *  [client_type] => 0
  *  [-uid] => [client_unique_identifier] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  *  [-away] => [client_away] => 0
  *  [-away] => [client_away_message] => 
  *  [-voice] => [client_flag_talking] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_input_muted] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_output_muted] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_input_hardware] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_output_hardware] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_talk_power] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_talker] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_priority_speaker] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_recording] => 0
  *  [-voice] => [client_is_channel_commander] => 0
  *  [-times] => [client_idle_time] => 1714
  *  [-times] => [client_created] => 1361027850
  *  [-times] => [client_lastconnected] => 1361042955
  *  [-groups] => [client_servergroups] => 6,7
  *  [-groups] => [client_channel_group_id] => 8
  *  [-groups] => [client_channel_group_inherited_channel_id] => 1
  *  [-info] => [client_version] => [Build: 1351504843]
  *  [-info] => [client_platform] => Windows
  *  [-icon] => [client_icon_id] => 0
  *  [-country] => [client_country] => 
  *  [-ip] => [connection_client_ip] =>
  *  [-badges] => [client_badges] => Overwolf=0
  * }
  * Usage:
  * $ts3->clientList(); //No parameters
  * $ts3->clientList("-uid"); //Single parameter
  * $ts3->clientList("-uid -away -voice -times -groups -info -country -icon -ip -badges"); //Multiple parameters
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $params additional parameters [optional] * @return array clientList */ function clientList($params = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($params)) { $params = ' '.$params; } return $this->getData('multi', 'clientlist'.$params); } /** * clientMove * * Moves one or more clients specified with clid to the channel with ID cid. If the target channel has a password, it needs to be specified with cpw. If the channel has no password, the parameter can be omitted. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $clid clientID * @param integer $cid channelID * @param string $cpw channelPassword [optional] * @return array success */ function clientMove($clid, $cid, $cpw = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientmove clid='.$clid.' cid='.$cid.(!empty($cpw) ? ' cpw='.$this->escapeText($cpw) : '')); } /** * clientPermList * * Displays a list of permissions defined for a client. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [permid] => 20654 //with permsid = false
  *  [permsid] => b_client_ignore_bans //with permsid = true
  *  [permvalue] => 1
  *  [permnegated] => 0
  *  [permskip] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @param boolean $permsid set true to add -permsid param [optional] * @return array clientPermList */ function clientPermList($cldbid, $permsid = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'clientpermlist cldbid='.$cldbid.($permsid ? ' -permsid' : '')); } /** * clientPoke * * Sends a poke message to the client specified with clid. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $clid clientID * @param string $msg pokeMessage * @return array success */ function clientPoke($clid, $msg) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientpoke clid='.$clid.' msg='.$this->escapeText($msg)); } /** * clientSetServerQueryLogin * * Updates your own ServerQuery login credentials using a specified username. The password will be auto-generated. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [client_login_password] => +r\/TQqvR
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $username username * @return array userInfomation */ function clientSetServerQueryLogin($username) { return $this->getData('array', 'clientsetserverquerylogin client_login_name='.$this->escapeText($username)); } /** * clientUpdate * * Change your ServerQuery clients settings using given properties. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $data = array();
  * $data['property'] = 'value';
  * $data['property'] = 'value';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $data clientProperties * @return array success */ function clientUpdate($data) { $settingsString = ''; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $settingsString .= ' '.strtolower($key).'='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientupdate '.$settingsString); } /** * complainAdd * * Submits a complaint about the client with database ID tcldbid to the server. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $tcldbid targetClientDBID * @param string $msg complainMessage * @return array success */ function complainAdd($tcldbid, $msg) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'complainadd tcldbid='.$tcldbid.' message='.$this->escapeText($msg)); } /** * complainDelete * * Deletes the complaint about the client with ID tcldbid submitted by the client with ID fcldbid from the server. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $tcldbid targetClientDBID * @param integer $fcldbid fromClientDBID * @return array success */ function complainDelete($tcldbid, $fcldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'complaindel tcldbid='.$tcldbid.' fcldbid='.$fcldbid); } /** * complainDeleteAll * * Deletes all complaints about the client with database ID tcldbid from the server. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $tcldbid targetClientDBID * @return array success */ function complainDeleteAll($tcldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'complaindelall tcldbid='.$tcldbid); } /** * complainList * * Displays a list of complaints on the selected virtual server. If tcldbid is specified, only complaints about the targeted client will be shown. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [tcldbid] => 2
  *  [tname] => par0noid
  *  [fcldbid] => 1
  *  [fname] => serveradmin from
  *  [message] => Steals crayons
  *  [timestamp] => 1361044090
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $tcldbid targetClientDBID [optional] * @return array complainList */ function complainList($tcldbid = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($tcldbid)) { $tcldbid = ' tcldbid='.$tcldbid; } return $this->getData('multi', 'complainlist'.$tcldbid); } /** * customDelete * * Removes a custom property from a client specified by the cldbid. * * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cldbid clientDBID * @param string $ident customIdent * @return boolean success */ function customDelete($cldbid, $ident) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'customdelete cldbid='.$cldbid.' ident='.$this->escapeText($ident)); } /** * customInfo * * Displays a list of custom properties for the client specified with cldbid. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  * 	[0] => Array
  *  	{
  *  		[cldbid] => 1
  *			[ident] => abc
  *			[value] => def
  *	  	}
  * 	[1] => Array
  *  	{
  *			[ident] => ghi
  *			[value] => jkl
  *	  	}
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cldbid clientDBID * @return array customInfos */ function customInfo($cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'custominfo cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * customSearch * * Searches for custom client properties specified by ident and value. The value parameter can include regular characters and SQL wildcard characters (e.g. %). * * Output: (ident=abc, pattern=%) *
  * Array
  * {
  * 	[0] => Array
  *  	{
  *  		[cldbid] => 1
  *			[ident] => abc
  *			[value] => def
  *	  	}
  * 	[1] => Array
  *  	{
  *  		[cldbid] => 2
  *			[ident] => abc
  *			[value] => def
  *	  	}
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $ident customIdent * @param string $pattern searchpattern * @return array customSearchInfos */ function customSearch($ident, $pattern) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'customsearch ident='.$this->escapeText($ident).' pattern='.$this->escapeText($pattern)); } /** * customSet * * Creates or updates a custom property for client specified by the cldbid. Ident and value can be any value, and are the key value pair of the custom property. * * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cldbid clientDBID * @param string $ident customIdent * @param string $value customValue * @return boolean success */ function customSet($cldbid, $ident, $value) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'customset cldbid='.$cldbid.' ident='.$this->escapeText($ident).' value='.$this->escapeText($value)); } /** * execOwnCommand * * executes a command that isn't defined in class and returns data like your propose * * Modes: * * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $mode executionMode * @param string $command command * @return mixed result */ function execOwnCommand($mode, $command) { if($mode == '0') { return $this->getData('boolean', $command); } if($mode == '1') { return $this->getData('array', $command); } if($mode == '2') { return $this->getData('multi', $command); } if($mode == '3') { return $this->getData('plain', $command); } } /** * ftCreateDir * * Creates new directory in a channels file repository. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cid channelId * @param string $cpw channelPassword (leave blank if not needed) * @param string $dirname dirPath * @return array success */ function ftCreateDir($cid, $cpw = null, $dirname) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'ftcreatedir cid='.$cid.' cpw='.$this->escapeText($cpw).' dirname='.$this->escapeText($dirname)); } /** * ftDeleteFile * * Deletes one or more files stored in a channels file repository. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $files = array();
  * $files[] = '/pic1.jpg';
  * $files[] = '/dokumente/test.txt';
  * $files[] = '/dokumente';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cid channelID * @param string $cpw channelPassword (leave blank if not needed) * @param array $files files * @return array success */ function ftDeleteFile($cid, $cpw = '', $files) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $fileArray = array(); if(count($files) > 0) { foreach($files AS $file) { $fileArray[] = 'name='.$this->escapeText($file); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'ftdeletefile cid='.$cid.' cpw='.$this->escapeText($cpw).' '.implode('|', $fileArray)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no files given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no files given'), false); } } /** * ftDownloadFile * * Ddownloads a file and returns its contents * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $data return of ftInitDownload * @return array downloadedFile */ function ftDownloadFile($data) { $errnum = null; $errstr = null; $this->runtime['fileSocket'] = @fsockopen($this->runtime['host'], $data['data']['port'], $errnum, $errstr, $this->runtime['timeout']); if($this->runtime['fileSocket']) { $this->ftSendKey($data['data']['ftkey']); $content = $this->ftRead($data['data']['size']); @fclose($this->runtime['fileSocket']); $this->runtime['fileSocket'] = ''; return $content; }else{ $this->addDebugLog('fileSocket returns '.$errnum. ' | '.$errstr); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error in fileSocket: '.$errnum. ' | '.$errstr), false); } } /** * ftGetFileInfo * * Displays detailed information about one or more specified files stored in a channels file repository. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 0
  *  [name] => /icon_1947482249
  *  [size] => 744
  *  [datetime] => 1286633633
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cid channelID * @param string $cpw channelPassword (leave blank if not needed) * @param string $file path to file * @return array success */ function ftGetFileInfo($cid, $cpw = '', $file) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'ftgetfileinfo cid='.$cid.' cpw='.$this->escapeText($cpw).' name='.$this->escapeText($file)); } /** * ftGetFileList * * Displays a list of files and directories stored in the specified channels file repository. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cid] => 231
  *  [path] => /
  *  [name] => Documents
  *  [size] => 0
  *  [datetime] => 1286633633
  *  [type] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cid channelID * @param string $cpw channelPassword (leave blank if not needed) * @param string $path filePath * @return array fileList */ function ftGetFileList($cid, $cpw = '', $path) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'ftgetfilelist cid='.$cid.' cpw='.$this->escapeText($cpw).' path='.$this->escapeText($path)); } /** * ftInitDownload * * Initializes a file transfer download. clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side. On success, the server generates a new ftkey which is required to start downloading the file through TeamSpeak 3's file transfer interface. Since version 3.0.13 there is an optional proto parameter. The client can request a protocol version with it. Currently only 0 and 1 are supported which only differ in the way they handle some timings. The server will reply which protocol version it will support. The server will reply with an ip parameter if it determines the filetransfer subsystem is not reachable by the ip that is currently being used for the query connection. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [clientftfid] => 89
  *  [serverftfid] => 3
  *  [ftkey] => jSzWiRmFGdZnoJzW7BSDYJRUWB2WAUhb
  *  [port] => 30033
  *  [size] => 94
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $name filePath * @param string $cid channelID * @param string $cpw channelPassword (leave blank if not needed) * @param integer $seekpos seekpos (default = 0) [optional] * @param integer $proto proto (default = NULL) [optional] * @return array initDownloadFileInfo */ function ftInitDownload($name, $cid, $cpw = '', $seekpos = 0, $proto = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'ftinitdownload clientftfid='.rand(1,65535).' name='.$this->escapeText($name).' cid='.$cid.' cpw='.$this->escapeText($cpw).' seekpos='.$seekpos.($proto !== null ? ' proto='.$proto: '')); } /** * ftInitUpload * * Initializes a file transfer upload. clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side. On success, the server generates a new ftkey which is required to start uploading the file through TeamSpeak 3's file transfer interface. Since version 3.0.13 there is an optional proto parameter. The client can request a protocol version with it. Currently only 0 and 1 are supported which only differ in the way they handle some timings. The server will reply which protocol version it will support. The server will reply with an ip parameter if it determines the filetransfer subsystem is not reachable by the ip that is currently being used for the query connection * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [clientftfid] => 84
  *  [serverftfid] => 41
  *  [ftkey] => HCnXpunOdAorqj3dGqfiuLszX18O0PHP
  *  [port] => 30033
  *  [seekpos] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $filename filePath * @param string $cid channelID * @param integer $size fileSize in bytes * @param string $cpw channelPassword (leave blank if not needed) * @param boolean $overwrite overwrite [optional] (default = 0) * @param boolean $resume resume [optional] (default = 0) * @param integer $proto proto (default = NULL) [optional] * @return array initUploadFileInfo */ function ftInitUpload($filename, $cid, $size, $cpw = '', $overwrite = false, $resume = false, $proto = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if($overwrite) { $overwrite = ' overwrite=1'; }else{ $overwrite = ' overwrite=0'; } if($resume) { $resume = ' resume=1'; }else{ $resume = ' resume=0'; } return $this->getData('array', 'ftinitupload clientftfid='.rand(1,65535).' name='.$this->escapeText($filename).' cid='.$cid.' cpw='.$this->escapeText($cpw).' size='.($size + 1).$overwrite.$resume.($proto !== null ? ' proto='.$proto: '')); } /** * ftList * * Displays a list of running file transfers on the selected virtual server. The output contains the path to which a file is uploaded to, the current transfer rate in bytes per second, etc * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [clid] => 1
  *  [cldbid] => 2019
  *  [path] => files/virtualserver_11/channel_231
  *  [name] => 1285412348878.png
  *  [size] => 1161281
  *  [sizedone] => 275888
  *  [clientftfid] => 15
  *  [serverftfid] => 52
  *  [sender] => 0
  *  [status] => 1
  *  [current_speed] => 101037.4453
  *  [average_speed] => 101037.4453
  *  [runtime] => 2163
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array fileTransferList */ function ftList() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'ftlist'); } /** * ftRenameFile * * Renames a file in a channels file repository. If the two parameters tcid and tcpw are specified, the file will be moved into another channels file repository. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid channelID * @param string $cpw channelPassword (leave blank if not needed) * @param string $oldname oldFilePath * @param string $newname newFilePath * @param string $tcid targetChannelID [optional] * @param string $tcpw targetChannelPassword [optional] * @return array success */ function ftRenameFile($cid, $cpw = null, $oldname, $newname, $tcid = null, $tcpw = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $newTarget = ($tcid != null ? ' tcid='.$tcid.' '.$tcpw : ''); return $this->getData('boolean', 'ftrenamefile cid='.$cid.' cpw='.$cpw.' oldname='.$this->escapeText($oldname).' newname='.$this->escapeText($newname).$newTarget); } /** * ftStop * * Stops the running file transfer with server-side ID serverftfid. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $serverftfid serverFileTransferID * @param boolean $delete delete incomplete file [optional] (default: true) * @return array success */ function ftStop($serverftfid, $delete = true) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'ftstop serverftfid='.$serverftfid.' delete='.($delete ? '1' : '0')); } /** * ftUploadFile * * Uploads a file to server * To check if upload was successful, you have to search for this file in fileList after * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $data return of ftInitUpload * @param string $uploadData data which should be uploaded * @return array response */ function ftUploadFile($data, $uploadData) { $this->runtime['fileSocket'] = @fsockopen($this->runtime['host'], $data['data']['port'], $errnum, $errstr, $this->runtime['timeout']); if($this->runtime['fileSocket']) { $this->ftSendKey($data['data']['ftkey']); $this->ftSendData($uploadData); @fclose($this->runtime['fileSocket']); $this->runtime['fileSocket'] = ''; return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('fileSocket returns '.$errnum. ' | '.$errstr); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error in fileSocket: '.$errnum. ' | '.$errstr), false); } } /** * getIconByID * * Will return the base64 encoded binary of the icon * *
 * $result = $tsAdmin->getIconByID($iconId);
 * You can display it like: echo '';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $iconID IconID * @return array base64 image */ function getIconByID($iconID) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(empty($iconID) or $iconID == 0) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: empty iconID'), false); } if($iconID == 100 OR $iconID == 200 OR $iconID == 300 OR $iconID == 500 OR $iconID == 600) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: you can\'t download teamspeak default icons'), false); } if($iconID < 0) { $iconID = sprintf('%u', $iconID & 0xffffffff); } $check = $this->ftgetfileinfo(0, '', '/icon_'.$iconID); if(!$check["success"]) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: icon does not exist'), false); } $init = $this->ftInitDownload('/icon_'.$iconID, 0, ''); if(!$init["success"]) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: init failed'), false); } $download = $this->ftDownloadFile($init); if(is_array($download)) { return $download; }else{ return $this->generateOutput(true, false, base64_encode($download)); } } /** * gm * * Sends a text message to all clients on all virtual servers in the TeamSpeak 3 Server instance. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $msg message * @return array success */ function gm($msg) { if(empty($msg)) { $this->addDebugLog('empty message given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: empty message given'), false); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'gm msg='.$this->escapeText($msg)); } /** * hostInfo * * Displays detailed connection information about the server instance including uptime, number of virtual servers online, traffic information, etc. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [instance_uptime] => 19038
  *  [host_timestamp_utc] => 1361046825
  *  [virtualservers_running_total] => 1
  *  [virtualservers_total_maxclients] => 32
  *  [virtualservers_total_clients_online] => 1
  *  [virtualservers_total_channels_online] => 2
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_sent] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_received] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bytes_sent_total] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bytes_received_total] => 0
  *  [connection_packets_sent_total] => 24853
  *  [connection_bytes_sent_total] => 1096128
  *  [connection_packets_received_total] => 25404
  *  [connection_bytes_received_total] => 1153918
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_total] => 82
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_total] => 81
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_total] => 84
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_total] => 87
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array hostInformation */ function hostInfo() { return $this->getData('array', 'hostinfo'); } /** * instanceEdit * * Changes the server instance configuration using given properties. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $data = array();
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
* * Possible properties: SERVERINSTANCE_GUEST_SERVERQUERY_GROUP, SERVERINSTANCE_TEMPLATE_SERVERADMIN_GROUP, SERVERINSTANCE_FILETRANSFER_PORT, SERVERINSTANCE_MAX_DOWNLOAD_TOTAL_BANDWITDH, SERVERINSTANCE_MAX_UPLOAD_TOTAL_BANDWITDH, SERVERINSTANCE_TEMPLATE_SERVERDEFAULT_GROUP, SERVERINSTANCE_TEMPLATE_CHANNELDEFAULT_GROUP, SERVERINSTANCE_TEMPLATE_CHANNELADMIN_GROUP, SERVERINSTANCE_SERVERQUERY_FLOOD_COMMANDS, SERVERINSTANCE_SERVERQUERY_FLOOD_TIME, SERVERINSTANCE_SERVERQUERY_FLOOD_BAN_TIME * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $data instanceProperties * @return array success */ function instanceEdit($data) { if(count($data) > 0) { $settingsString = ''; foreach($data as $key => $val) { $settingsString .= ' '.strtolower($key).'='.$this->escapeText($val); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'instanceedit '.$settingsString); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('empty array entered'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: You can \'t give an empty array'), false); } } /** * instanceInfo * * Displays the server instance configuration including database revision number, the file transfer port, default group IDs, etc. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [serverinstance_database_version] => 20
  *  [serverinstance_filetransfer_port] => 30033
  *  [serverinstance_max_download_total_bandwidth] => 18446744073709551615
  *  [serverinstance_max_upload_total_bandwidth] => 18446744073709551615
  *  [serverinstance_guest_serverquery_group] => 1
  *  [serverinstance_serverquery_flood_commands] => 10
  *  [serverinstance_serverquery_flood_time] => 3
  *  [serverinstance_serverquery_ban_time] => 600
  *  [serverinstance_template_serveradmin_group] => 3
  *  [serverinstance_template_serverdefault_group] => 5
  *  [serverinstance_template_channeladmin_group] => 1
  *  [serverinstance_template_channeldefault_group] => 4
  *  [serverinstance_permissions_version] => 15
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array instanceInformation */ function instanceInfo() { return $this->getData('array', 'instanceinfo'); } /** * logAdd * * Writes a custom entry into the servers log. Depending on your permissions, you'll be able to add entries into the server instance log and/or your virtual servers log. The loglevel parameter specifies the type of the entry. * * Hint: Log level 1: "Error", Log Level 2: "Warning", Log Level 3: "Debug", Log level 4: "Info" * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $logLevel loglevel between 1 and 4 * @param string $logMsg logMessage * @return array success */ function logAdd($logLevel, $logMsg) { if($logLevel >=1 and $logLevel <= 4) { if(!empty($logMsg)) { return $this->getData('boolean', 'logadd loglevel='.$logLevel.' logmsg='.$this->escapeText($logMsg)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('logMessage empty!'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: logMessage empty!'), false); } }else{ $this->addDebugLog('invalid logLevel!'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: invalid logLevel!'), false); } } /** * login * * Authenticates with the TeamSpeak 3 Server instance using given ServerQuery login credentials. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $username username * @param string $password password * @return array success */ function login($username, $password) { return $this->getData('boolean', 'login '.$this->escapeText($username).' '.$this->escapeText($password)); } /** * logout * * Deselects the active virtual server and logs out from the server instance. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array success */ function logout() { $this->runtime['selected'] = false; return $this->getData('boolean', 'logout'); } /** * logView * * Displays a specified number of entries from the servers log. If instance is set to 1, the server will return lines from the master logfile (ts3server_0.log) instead of the selected virtual server logfile. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [last_pos] => 0
  *  [file_size] => 1085
  *  [l] => 2012-01-10 20:34:31.379260|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   | TeamSpeak 3 Server 3.0.1 (2011-11-17 07:34:30)
  * }
  * {
  *  [l] => 2012-01-10 20:34:31.380260|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | dbPlugin name:    SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
  * }
  * {
  *  [l] => 2012-01-10 20:34:31.380260|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | dbPlugin version: 3.7.3
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $lines between 1 and 100 * @param integer $reverse {1|0} [optional] * @param integer $instance {1|0} [optional] * @param integer $begin_pos {1|0} [optional] * @return array logEntries */ function logView($lines, $reverse = 0, $instance = 0, $begin_pos = 0) { if($lines >=1 and $lines <=100) { return $this->getData('multi', 'logview lines='.$lines.' reverse='.($reverse == 0 ? '0' : '1').' instance='.($instance == 0 ? '0' : '1').' begin_pos='.($begin_pos == 0 ? '0' : $begin_pos)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('please choose a limit between 1 and 100'); $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: please choose a limit between 1 and 100'), false); } } /** * messageAdd * * Sends an offline message to the client specified by cluid. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $cluid clientUID * @param string $subject Subject of the message * @param string $message Text of the message * @return array success */ function messageAdd($cluid, $subject, $message) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'messageadd cluid='.$cluid.' subject='.$this->escapeText($subject).' message='.$this->escapeText($message)); } /** * messageDelete * * Deletes an existing offline message with ID msgid from your inbox. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $messageID messageID * @return array success */ function messageDelete($messageID) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'messagedel msgid='.$messageID); } /** * messageGet * * Displays an existing offline message with ID msgid from your inbox. Please note that this does not automatically set the flag_read property of the message. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $messageID messageID * @return array messageInformation */ function messageGet($messageID) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'messageget msgid='.$messageID); } /** * messageList * * Displays a list of offline messages you've received. The output contains the senders unique identifier, the messages subject, etc. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array messageInformation */ function messageList() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'messagelist'); } /** * messageUpdateFlag * * Updates the flag_read property of the offline message specified with msgid. If flag is set to 1, the message will be marked as read. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $messageID messageID * @param integer $flag flag {1|0} * @return array messageInformation */ function messageUpdateFlag($messageID, $flag = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'messageupdateflag msgid='.$messageID.' flag='.$flag); } /** * uploadIcon * * Uploads an icon to the server * * Output: *
 * Array
 * {
 *  [cid] => 0
 *  [name] => /icon_1947482249
 *  [size] => 744
 *  [datetime] => 1286633633
 * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $filepath Path to your file * @param string|integer $iconID [optional] Desired IconID (Must be higher than, and lower than 2.147.483.647) * @return array ftGetFileInfo */ function uploadIcon($filepath, $iconID = -1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if($iconID == -1) { $iconID = mt_rand(1000000000, 2147483647); } if($iconID <= 1000000000 and $iconID <= 2147483647) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: Must be higher than, and lower than 2.147.483.647'), false); } if(!file_exists($filepath)) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: file does not exist'), false); } $data = null; try { $data = file_get_contents($filepath); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: can\'t read file - '.$e->getMessage()), false); } $size = filesize($filepath); $init = $this->ftInitUpload('/icon_'.$iconID, 0, $size, '', true); if(!$this->succeeded($init)) { return $this->generateOutput(false, $init['error'], false); } $result = $this->ftUploadFile($init, $data); if($this->succeeded($result)) { return $this->ftGetFileInfo(0, '', '/icon_'.$iconID); //return $this->generateOutput(true, null, array('iconid' => $iconID, 'size' => $size)); } else { return $result; } } /** * permFind * * Displays detailed information about all assignments of the permission specified with permid. The output is similar to permoverview which includes the type and the ID of the client, channel or group associated with the permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [token] => eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param mixed $perm permid or permsid * @return array permissionInfoList */ function permFind($perm) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'permfind '.(is_int($perm) || ctype_digit($perm) ? 'permid=' : 'permsid=').$perm); } /** * permGet * * Displays the current value of the permission specified with permid or permsid for your own connection. This can be useful when you need to check your own privileges. * * The perm parameter can be used as permid or permsid, it will switch the mode automatically. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *		[permsid] => i_channel_create_modify_with_codec_maxquality
  *     [permid] => 96
  *     [permvalue] => 10	
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param mixed $perm permid or permsid * @return array permissionInfo */ function permGet($perm) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'permget '.(is_int($perm) || ctype_digit($perm) ? 'permid=' : 'permsid=').$perm); } /** * permIdGetByName * * Displays the database ID of one or more permissions specified by permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionName';
* Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [permsid] => b_serverinstance_help_view
  *  [permid] => 4353
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $permsids permNames * @return array permissionList */ function permIdGetByName($permsids) { $permissionArray = array(); if(count($permsids) > 0) { foreach($permsids AS $value) { $permissionArray[] = 'permsid='.$value; } return $this->getData('multi', 'permidgetbyname '.$this->escapeText(implode('|', $permissionArray))); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * permissionList * * Displays a list of permissions available on the server instance including ID, name and description. * If the new parameter is set the permissionlist will return with the new output format. * * Output: (with new parameter) *
  * [0] => Array
  *     (
  *         [num] => 1
  *         [group_id_end] => 0
  *         [pcount] => 0
  *     )
  * [1] => Array
  *     (
  *         [num] => 2
  *         [group_id_end] => 7
  *         [pcount] => 7
  *         [permissions] => Array
  *             (
  *                 [0] => Array
  *                     (
  *                         [permid] => 1
  *                         [permname] => b_serverinstance_help_view
  *                         [permdesc] => Retrieve information about ServerQuery commands
  *                         [grantpermid] => 32769
  *                     )
  *                 [1] => Array
  *                     (
  *                         [permid] => 2
  *                         [permname] => b_serverinstance_version_view
  *                         [permdesc] => Retrieve global server version (including platform and build number)
  *                         [grantpermid] => 32770
  *                     )
  *                 [2] => Array
  *                     (
  *                         [permid] => 3
  *                         [permname] => b_serverinstance_info_view
  *                         [permdesc] => Retrieve global server information
  *                         [grantpermid] => 32771
  *                     )
  *                 [3] => Array
  *                     (
  *                         [permid] => 4
  *                         [permname] => b_serverinstance_virtualserver_list
  *                         [permdesc] => List virtual servers stored in the database
  *                         [grantpermid] => 32772
  *                     )
  *                 [4] => Array
  *                     (
  *                         [permid] => 5
  *                         [permname] => b_serverinstance_binding_list
  *                         [permdesc] => List active IP bindings on multi-homed machines
  *                         [grantpermid] => 32773
  *                     )
  *                [5] => Array
  *                     (
  *                         [permid] => 6
  *                         [permname] => b_serverinstance_permission_list
  *                         [permdesc] => List permissions available available on the server instance
  *                         [grantpermid] => 32774
  *                     )
  *                 [6] => Array
  *                     (
  *                         [permid] => 7
  *                         [permname] => b_serverinstance_permission_find
  *                         [permdesc] => Search permission assignments by name or ID
  *                         [grantpermid] => 32775
  *                     )
  *             )
  *     )
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param boolean $new [optional] add new parameter * @return array permissionList */ function permissionList($new = false) { if($new === true) { $groups = array(); $permissions = array(); $response = $this->getElement('data', $this->getData('multi', 'permissionlist -new')); $gc = 1; foreach($response as $field) { if(isset($field['group_id_end'])) { $groups[] = array('num' => $gc, 'group_id_end' => $field['group_id_end']); $gc++; }else{ $permissions[] = $field; } } $counter = 0; for($i = 0; $i < count($groups); $i++) { $rounds = $groups[$i]['group_id_end'] - $counter; $groups[$i]['pcount'] = $rounds; for($j = 0; $j < $rounds; $j++) { $groups[$i]['permissions'][] = array('permid' => ($counter + 1), 'permname' => $permissions[$counter]['permname'], 'permdesc' => $permissions[$counter]['permdesc'], 'grantpermid' => ($counter + 32769)); $counter++; } } return $groups; }else{ return $this->getData('multi', 'permissionlist'); } } /** * permOverview * * Displays all permissions assigned to a client for the channel specified with cid. If permid is set to 0, all permissions will be displayed. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * If you set the permsid parameter, the permid parameter will be ignored. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [t] => 0
  *  [id1] => 2
  *  [id2] => 0
  *  [p] => 16777
  *  [v] => 1
  *  [n] => 0
  *  [s] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cid cchannelId * @param integer $cldbid clientDbId * @param integer $permid permId (Default: 0) * @param string $permsid permName * @return array permOverview */ function permOverview($cid, $cldbid, $permid='0', $permsid=false ) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if($permsid) { $additional = ' permsid='.$permsid; }else{ $additional = ''; } return $this->getData('multi', 'permoverview cid='.$cid.' cldbid='.$cldbid.($permsid == false ? ' permid='.$permid : '').$additional); } /** * permReset * * Restores the default permission settings on the selected virtual server and creates a new initial administrator token. Please note that in case of an error during the permreset call - e.g. when the database has been modified or corrupted - the virtual server will be deleted from the database. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [token] => eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array token */ function permReset() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'permreset'); } /** * privilegekeyAdd * * Create a new token. If tokentype is set to 0, the ID specified with tokenid1 will be a server group ID. Otherwise, tokenid1 is used as a channel group ID and you need to provide a valid channel ID using tokenid2. The tokencustomset parameter allows you to specify a set of custom client properties. This feature can be used when generating tokens to combine a website account database with a TeamSpeak user. The syntax of the value needs to be escaped using the ServerQuery escape patterns and has to follow the general syntax of: * ident=ident1 value=value1|ident=ident2 value=value2|ident=ident3 value=value3 * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $customFieldSet = array();
  * $customFieldSet['ident'] = 'value';
  * $customFieldSet['ident'] = 'value';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $tokentype token type * @param integer $tokenid1 groupID * @param integer $tokenid2 channelID * @param string $description token description [optional] * @param array $customFieldSet customFieldSet [optional] * @return array tokenInformation */ function privilegekeyAdd($tokentype, $tokenid1, $tokenid2, $description ='', $customFieldSet = array()) { return $this->tokenAdd($tokentype, $tokenid1, $tokenid2, $description, $customFieldSet); } /** * privilegekeyDelete * * Deletes an existing token matching the token key specified with token. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $token token * @return array success */ function privilegekeyDelete($token) { return $this->tokenDelete($token); } /** * privilegekeyList * * Displays a list of privilege keys available including their type and group IDs. Tokens can be used to gain access to specified server or channel groups. A privilege key is similar to a client with administrator privileges that adds you to a certain permission group, but without the necessity of a such a client with administrator privileges to actually exist. It is a long (random looking) string that can be used as a ticket into a specific server group. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [token] => GdqedxSEDle3e9+LtR3o9dO09bURH+vymvF5hOJg
  *  [token_type] => 0
  *  [token_id1] => 71
  *  [token_id2] => 0
  *  [token_created] => 1286625908
  *  [token_description] => for you
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array tokenListist */ function privilegekeyList() { return $this->tokenList(); } /** * privilegekeyUse * * Use a token key gain access to a server or channel group. Please note that the server will automatically delete the token after it has been used. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $token token * @return array success */ function privilegekeyUse($token) { return $this->tokenUse($token); } /** * quit closes the connection to host * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return void */ private function quit() { $this->logout(); @fputs($this->runtime['socket'], "quit\n"); @fclose($this->runtime['socket']); } /** * loadQueryData * * Loads the query current nickname and current clid * * @author toxiicdev */ private function loadQueryData() { $whoAmI = $this->getElement('data', $this->whoAmI()); $this->runtime['bot_name'] = $whoAmI['client_nickname']; $clients = $this->clientList(); foreach($clients['data'] as $client) { if(strstr($this->runtime['bot_name'], $client['client_nickname'])) { $this->runtime['bot_clid'] = $client['clid']; break; } } } /** * selectServer * * Selects the virtual server specified with sid or port to allow further interaction. The ServerQuery client will appear on the virtual server and acts like a real TeamSpeak 3 Client, except it's unable to send or receive voice data. If your database contains multiple virtual servers using the same UDP port, use will select a random virtual server using the specified port. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $value Port or ID * @param string $type value type ('port', 'serverId') (default='port') * @param boolean $virtual set true to add -virtual param [optional] * @return array success */ function selectServer($value, $type = 'port', $virtual = false) { if(in_array($type, array('port', 'serverId'))) { if($type == 'port') { if($virtual) { $virtual = ' -virtual'; }else{ $virtual = ''; } $res = $this->getData('boolean', 'use port='.$value.$virtual); if($res['success']) { $this->runtime['selected'] = true; $this->loadQueryData(); } return $res; }else{ if($virtual) { $virtual = ' -virtual'; }else{ $virtual = ''; } $res = $this->getData('boolean', 'use sid='.$value.$virtual); if($res['success']) { $this->runtime['selected'] = true; $this->loadQueryData(); } return $res; } }else{ $this->addDebugLog('wrong value type'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: wrong value type'), false); } } /** * sendMessage * * Sends a text message a specified target. The type of the target is determined by targetmode while target specifies the ID of the recipient, whether it be a virtual server, a channel or a client. * Hint: You can just write to the channel the query client is in. See link in description for details. * * Modes: * * Targets: * * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $mode * @param integer $target * @param string $msg Message * @see http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php/84280-Sendtextmessage-by-query-client http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php/84280-Sendtextmessage-by-query-client * @return array success */ function sendMessage($mode, $target, $msg) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'sendtextmessage targetmode='.$mode.' target='.$target.' msg='.$this->escapeText($msg)); } /** * serverCreate * * Creates a new virtual server using the given properties and displays its ID, port and initial administrator privilege key. If virtualserver_port is not specified, the server will test for the first unused UDP port. The first virtual server will be running on UDP port 9987 by default. Subsequently started virtual servers will be running on increasing UDP port numbers. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $data = array();
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
* * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [sid] => 2
  *  [virtualserver_port] => 9988
  *  [token] => eKnFZQ9EK7G7MhtuQB6+N2B1PNZZ6OZL3ycDp2OW
  * }
  * $data = array();
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
  * $data['setting'] = 'value';
* * Possible properties: Take a look at serverCreate function * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $data serverSettings * @return array success */ function serverEdit($data) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $settingsString = ''; foreach($data as $key => $value) { $settingsString .= ' '.strtolower($key).'='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'serveredit'.$settingsString); } /** * serverGroupAdd * * Creates a new server group using the name specified with name and displays its ID. The optional type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery groups and template groups. For detailed information, see * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [sgid] => 86
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $name groupName * @param integer $type groupDbType (0 = template, 1 = normal, 2 = query | Default: 1) * @return array groupId */ function serverGroupAdd($name, $type = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'servergroupadd name='.$this->escapeText($name).' type='.$type); } /** * serverGroupAddClient * * Adds a client to the server group specified with sgid. Please note that a client cannot be added to default groups or template groups. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid serverGroupId * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array success */ function serverGroupAddClient($sgid, $cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'servergroupaddclient sgid='.$sgid.' cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * serverGroupAddPerm * * Adds a set of specified permissions to the server group specified with sgid. Multiple permissions can be added by providing the four parameters of each permission. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions['permissionID'] = array('permissionValue', 'permskip', 'permnegated');
  * //or you could use
  * $permissions['permissionName'] = array('permissionValue', 'permskip', 'permnegated');
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid serverGroupID * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function serverGroupAddPerm($sgid, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(count($permissions) > 0) { //Permissions given //Errorcollector $errors = array(); //Split Permissions to prevent query from overload $permissions = array_chunk($permissions, 50, true); //Action for each splitted part of permission foreach($permissions as $permission_part) { //Create command_string for each command that we could use implode later $command_string = array(); foreach($permission_part as $key => $value) { $command_string[] = (is_numeric($key) ? "permid=" : "permsid=").$this->escapeText($key).' permvalue='.$value[0].' permskip='.$value[1].' permnegated='.$value[2]; } $result = $this->getData('boolean', 'servergroupaddperm sgid='.$sgid.' '.implode('|', $command_string)); if(!$result['success']) { foreach($result['errors'] as $error) { $errors[] = $error; } } } if(count($errors) == 0) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $errors, false); } }else{ // No permissions given $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * serverGroupAutoAddPerm * * Adds a set of specified permissions to *ALL* regular server groups on all virtual servers. The target groups will be identified by the value of their i_group_auto_update_type permission specified with sgtype. Multiple permissions can be added at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. The known values for sgtype are: 10: Channel Guest 15: Server Guest 20: Query Guest 25: Channel Voice 30: Server Normal 35: Channel Operator 40: Channel Admin 45: Server Admin 50: Query Admin * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions['permissionID'] = array('permissionValue', 'permskip', 'permnegated');
  * //or you could use
  * $permissions['permissionName'] = array('permissionValue', 'permskip', 'permnegated');
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgtype serverGroupType * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function serverGroupAutoAddPerm($sgtype, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(count($permissions) > 0) { //Permissions given //Errorcollector $errors = array(); //Split Permissions to prevent query from overload $permissions = array_chunk($permissions, 50, true); //Action for each splitted part of permission foreach($permissions as $permission_part) { //Create command_string for each command that we could use implode later $command_string = array(); foreach($permission_part as $key => $value) { $command_string[] = (is_numeric($key) ? "permid=" : "permsid=").$this->escapeText($key).' permvalue='.$value[0].' permskip='.$value[1].' permnegated='.$value[2]; } $result = $this->getData('boolean', 'servergroupautoaddperm sgtype='.$sgtype.' '.implode('|', $command_string)); if(!$result['success']) { foreach($result['errors'] as $error) { $errors[] = $error; } } } if(count($errors) == 0) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $errors, false); } }else{ // No permissions given $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * serverGroupAutoDeletePerm * * Removes a set of specified permissions from *ALL* regular server groups on all virtual servers. The target groups will be identified by the value of their i_group_auto_update_type permission specified with sgtype. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. The known values for sgtype are: 10: Channel Guest 15: Server Guest 20: Query Guest 25: Channel Voice 30: Server Normal 35: Channel Operator 40: Channel Admin 45: Server Admin 50: Query Admin * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionID';
  * //or you could use
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionName';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgtype serverGroupType * @param array $permissions permissions * @return array success */ function serverGroupAutoDeletePerm($sgtype, $permissions) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $permissionArray = array(); if(count($permissions) > 0) { foreach($permissions AS $value) { $permissionArray[] = is_numeric($value) ? 'permid='.$value : 'permsid='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'servergroupautodelperm sgtype='.$sgtype.' '.implode('|', $permissionArray)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * serverGroupClientList * * Displays the IDs of all clients currently residing in the server group specified with sgid. If you're using the optional -names option, the output will also contain the last known nickname and the unique identifier of the clients. * * Possible params: -names * * Output: (with -names param) *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [cldbid] => 2017
  *  [client_nickname] => Par0noid //with -names parameter
  *  [client_unique_identifier] => nUixbsq/XakrrmbqU8O30R/D8Gc=
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid groupId * @param boolean $names set true to add -names param [optional] * @return array serverGroupClientList */ function serverGroupClientList($sgid, $names = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if($names) { $names = ' -names'; }else{ $names = ''; } return $this->getData('multi', 'servergroupclientlist sgid='.$sgid.$names); } /** * serverGroupCopy * * Creates a copy of the server group specified with ssgid. If tsgid is set to 0, the server will create a new group. To overwrite an existing group, simply set tsgid to the ID of a designated target group. If a target group is set, the name parameter will be ignored. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [sgid] => 86
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $ssgid sourceGroupID * @param integer $tsgid targetGroupID * @param integer $name groupName * @param integer $type groupDbType (0 = template, 1 = normal, 2 = query | Default: 1) * @return array groupId */ function serverGroupCopy($ssgid, $tsgid, $name, $type = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'servergroupcopy ssgid='.$ssgid.' tsgid='.$tsgid.' name='.$this->escapeText($name).' type='.$type); } /** * serverGroupDelete * * Deletes the server group specified with sgid. If force is set to 1, the server group will be deleted even if there are clients within. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid serverGroupID * @param integer $force forces deleting group (Default: 1) * @return array success */ function serverGroupDelete($sgid, $force = 1) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'servergroupdel sgid='.$sgid.' force='.$force); } /** * serverGroupDeleteClient * * Removes a client specified with cldbid from the server group specified with sgid. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid groupID * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array success */ function serverGroupDeleteClient($sgid, $cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'servergroupdelclient sgid='.$sgid.' cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * serverGroupDeletePerm * * Removes a set of specified permissions from the server group specified with sgid. Multiple permissions can be removed at once. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $permissions = array();
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionID';
  * //or you could use
  * $permissions[] = 'permissionName';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid serverGroupID * @param array $permissionIds permissionIds * @return array success */ function serverGroupDeletePerm($sgid, $permissionIds) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $permissionArray = array(); if(count($permissionIds) > 0) { foreach($permissionIds AS $value) { $permissionArray[] = is_numeric($value) ? 'permid='.$value : 'permsid='.$this->escapeText($value); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'servergroupdelperm sgid='.$sgid.' '.implode('|', $permissionArray)); }else{ $this->addDebugLog('no permissions given'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: no permissions given'), false); } } /** * serverGroupGetIconBySGID * * Will return the base64 encoded binary of the serverGroupIcon * *
 * $result = $tsAdmin->serverGroupGetIconBySGID($serverGroupID);
 * You can display it like: echo '';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $serverGroupID serverGroupID * @return array base64 image */ function serverGroupGetIconBySGID($serverGroupID) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(empty($serverGroupID)) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: empty serverGroupID'), false); } $serverGroupList = $this->serverGroupList(); if(!$serverGroupList["success"]) { return $this->generateOutput(false, $serverGroupList["error"], false); } $sgid = -1; $iconID = 0; foreach($serverGroupList['data'] as $group) { if($group['sgid'] == $serverGroupID) { $sgid = $group['sgid']; $iconID = $group['iconid']; break; } } if($sgid == -1) { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: invalid serverGroupID'), false); } if($iconID == '0') { return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: serverGroup has no icon'), false); } return $this->getIconByID($iconID); } /** * serverGroupList * * Displays a list of server groups available. Depending on your permissions, the output may also contain global ServerQuery groups and template groups. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [sgid] => 1
  *  [name] => Guest Server Query
  *  [type] => 2
  *  [iconid] => 0
  *  [savedb] => 0
  *  [sortid] => 0
  *  [namemode] => 0
  *  [n_modifyp] => 100
  *  [n_member_addp] => 0
  *  [n_member_removep] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $type groupDbType (0 = template, 1 = normal, 2 = query) By default get all groups * @return array serverGroupList */ function serverGroupList($type = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $groups = $this->getData('multi', 'servergrouplist'); if($type) { foreach ($groups['data'] as $key => $value) { if($value['type'] != $type) { unset($groups['data'][$key]); } } } return $groups; } /** * serverGroupPermList * * Displays a list of permissions assigned to the server group specified with sgid. If the permsid option is specified, the output will contain the permission names instead of the internal IDs. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [permid] => 12876 (if permsid = false)
  *  [permsid] => b_client_info_view (if permsid = true)
  *  [permvalue] => 1
  *  [permnegated] => 0
  *  [permskip] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid serverGroupID * @param boolean $permsid set true to add -permsid param [optional] * @return array serverGroupPermList */ function serverGroupPermList($sgid, $permsid = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if($permsid) { $additional = ' -permsid'; }else{ $additional = ''; } return $this->getData('multi', 'servergrouppermlist sgid='.$sgid.$additional); } /** * serverGroupRename * * Changes the name of the server group specified with sgid. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sgid serverGroupID * @param integer $name groupName * @return array success */ function serverGroupRename($sgid, $name) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'servergrouprename sgid='.$sgid.' name='.$this->escapeText($name)); } /** * serverGroupsByClientID * * Displays all server groups the client specified with cldbid is currently residing in. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [name] => Guest
  *  [sgid] => 73
  *  [cldbid] => 2
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array serverGroupsByClientId */ function serverGroupsByClientID($cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'servergroupsbyclientid cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * serverIdGetByPort * * Displays the database ID of the virtual server running on the UDP port specified by virtualserver_port. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [server_id] => 1
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $port serverPort * @return array serverInfo */ function serverIdGetByPort($port) { return $this->getData('array', 'serveridgetbyport virtualserver_port='.$port); } /** * serverInfo * * Displays detailed configuration information about the selected virtual server including unique ID, number of clients online, configuration, etc. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [virtualserver_unique_identifier] => 1GvKR12fg/mY75flwN/u7pn7KIs=
  *  [virtualserver_name] => TeamSpeak ]I[ Server
  *  [virtualserver_welcomemessage] => Welcome to TeamSpeak, check [URL]www.teamspeak.com[/URL] for latest information
  *  [virtualserver_platform] => Windows
  *  [virtualserver_version] => [Build: 1461597405]
  *  [virtualserver_maxclients] => 32
  *  [virtualserver_password] => 
  *  [virtualserver_clientsonline] => 2
  *  [virtualserver_channelsonline] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_created] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_uptime] => 6517
  *  [virtualserver_codec_encryption_mode] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_hostmessage] => 
  *  [virtualserver_hostmessage_mode] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_filebase] => files\\virtualserver_1
  *  [virtualserver_default_server_group] => 11
  *  [virtualserver_default_channel_group] => 12
  *  [virtualserver_flag_password] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_default_channel_admin_group] => 9
  *  [virtualserver_max_download_total_bandwidth] => 18446744073709551615
  *  [virtualserver_max_upload_total_bandwidth] => 18446744073709551615
  *  [virtualserver_hostbanner_url] => 
  *  [virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url] => 
  *  [virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_interval] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_complain_autoban_count] => 5
  *  [virtualserver_complain_autoban_time] => 1200
  *  [virtualserver_complain_remove_time] => 3600
  *  [virtualserver_min_clients_in_channel_before_forced_silence] => 100
  *  [virtualserver_priority_speaker_dimm_modificator] => -18.0000
  *  [virtualserver_id] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_antiflood_points_tick_reduce] => 5
  *  [virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block] => 150
  *  [virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block] => 250
  *  [virtualserver_client_connections] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_query_client_connections] => 54
  *  [virtualserver_hostbutton_tooltip] => 
  *  [virtualserver_hostbutton_url] => 
  *  [virtualserver_hostbutton_gfx_url] => 
  *  [virtualserver_queryclientsonline] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_download_quota] => 18446744073709551615
  *  [virtualserver_upload_quota] => 18446744073709551615
  *  [virtualserver_month_bytes_downloaded] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_month_bytes_uploaded] => 16045
  *  [virtualserver_total_bytes_downloaded] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_total_bytes_uploaded] => 16045
  *  [virtualserver_port] => 9987
  *  [virtualserver_autostart] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_machine_id] => 
  *  [virtualserver_needed_identity_security_level] => 8
  *  [virtualserver_log_client] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_log_query] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_log_channel] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_log_permissions] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_log_server] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_log_filetransfer] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_min_client_version] => 1445512488
  *  [virtualserver_name_phonetic] => 
  *  [virtualserver_icon_id] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_reserved_slots] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_total_packetloss_speech] => 0.0000
  *  [virtualserver_total_packetloss_keepalive] => 0.0000
  *  [virtualserver_total_packetloss_control] => 0.0000
  *  [virtualserver_total_packetloss_total] => 0.0000
  *  [virtualserver_total_ping] => 0.0000
  *  [virtualserver_ip] => 
  *  [virtualserver_weblist_enabled] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_ask_for_privilegekey] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_hostbanner_mode] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_channel_temp_delete_delay_default] => 0
  *  [virtualserver_min_android_version] => 1407159763
  *  [virtualserver_min_ios_version] => 1407159763
  *  [virtualserver_status] => online
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_sent] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_received] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bytes_sent_total] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bytes_received_total] => 0
  *  [connection_packets_sent_speech] => 0
  *  [connection_bytes_sent_speech] => 0
  *  [connection_packets_received_speech] => 0
  *  [connection_bytes_received_speech] => 0
  *  [connection_packets_sent_keepalive] => 12959
  *  [connection_bytes_sent_keepalive] => 531319
  *  [connection_packets_received_keepalive] => 12959
  *  [connection_bytes_received_keepalive] => 544277
  *  [connection_packets_sent_control] => 396
  *  [connection_bytes_sent_control] => 65555
  *  [connection_packets_received_control] => 397
  *  [connection_bytes_received_control] => 44930
  *  [connection_packets_sent_total] => 13355
  *  [connection_bytes_sent_total] => 596874
  *  [connection_packets_received_total] => 13356
  *  [connection_bytes_received_total] => 589207
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_total] => 81
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_total] => 92
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_total] => 83
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_total] => 88
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array serverInformation */ function serverInfo() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'serverinfo'); } /** * serverList * * Displays a list of virtual servers including their ID, status, number of clients online, etc. If you're using the -all option, the server will list all virtual servers stored in the database. This can be useful when multiple server instances with different machine IDs are using the same database. The machine ID is used to identify the server instance a virtual server is associated with. The status of a virtual server can be either online, offline, deploy running, booting up, shutting down and virtual online. While most of them are self-explanatory, virtual online is a bit more complicated. Please note that whenever you select a virtual server which is currently stopped, it will be started in virtual mode which means you are able to change its configuration, create channels or change permissions, but no regular TeamSpeak 3 Client can connect. As soon as the last ServerQuery client deselects the virtual server, its status will be changed back to offline. * * Possible params: [-uid] [-short] [-all] [-onlyoffline] * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [virtualserver_id] => 1 //displayed on -short
  *  [virtualserver_port] => 9987 //displayed on -short
  *  [virtualserver_status] => online //displayed on -short
  *  [virtualserver_clientsonline] => 2
  *  [virtualserver_queryclientsonline] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_maxclients] => 32
  *  [virtualserver_uptime] => 3045
  *  [virtualserver_name] => TeamSpeak ]I[ Server
  *  [virtualserver_autostart] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_machine_id] =>
  *  [-uid] => [virtualserver_unique_identifier] => bYrybKl/APfKq7xzpIJ1Xb6C06U= 
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $options optional parameters * @return array serverList */ function serverList($options = NULL) { return $this->getData('multi', 'serverlist'.(!empty($options) ? ' '.$options : '')); } /** * serverProcessStop * * Stops the entire TeamSpeak 3 Server instance by shutting down the process. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $reasonMessage reasonMessage [optional] * @return array success */ function serverProcessStop($reasonMessage = null) { return $this->getData('boolean', 'serverprocessstop'.($reasonMessage != null && !empty($reasonMessage) ? " reasonmsg=".$this->escapeText($reasonMessage) : "")); } /** * serverRequestConnectionInfo * * Displays detailed connection information about the selected virtual server including uptime, traffic information, etc. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_sent] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_received] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bytes_sent_total] => 0
  *  [connection_filetransfer_bytes_received_total] => 0
  *  [connection_packets_sent_total] => 3333
  *  [connection_bytes_sent_total] => 149687
  *  [connection_packets_received_total] => 3333
  *  [connection_bytes_received_total] => 147653
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_total] => 123
  *  [connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_total] => 81
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_total] => 352
  *  [connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_total] => 87
  *  [connection_connected_time] => 3387
  *  [connection_packetloss_total] => 0.0000
  *  [connection_ping] => 0.0000
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array serverRequestConnectionInfo */ function serverRequestConnectionInfo() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('array', 'serverrequestconnectioninfo'); } /** * serverSnapshotCreate * * Displays a snapshot of the selected virtual server containing all settings, groups and known client identities. The data from a server snapshot can be used to restore a virtual servers configuration, channels and permissions using the serversnapshotdeploy command. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array snapshot */ function serverSnapshotCreate() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('plain', 'serversnapshotcreate'); } /** * serverSnapshotDeploy * * Restores the selected virtual servers configuration using the data from a previously created server snapshot. Please note that the TeamSpeak 3 Server does NOT check for necessary permissions while deploying a snapshot so the command could be abused to gain additional privileges. * * + added "-mapping" to the serversnapshotdeploy command. This optional parameters will add a mapping of the old and new channelid's in the return * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $snapshot snapshot * @param bool $mapping mapping [optional] * @return array success */ function serverSnapshotDeploy($snapshot, $mapping = false) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'serversnapshotdeploy '.($mapping ? '-mapping ' : '').$snapshot); } /** * serverStart * * Starts the virtual server specified with sid. Depending on your permissions, you're able to start either your own virtual server only or all virtual servers in the server instance. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sid serverID * @return array success */ function serverStart($sid) { return $this->getdata('boolean', 'serverstart sid='.$sid); } /** * serverStop * * Stops the virtual server specified with sid. Depending on your permissions, you're able to stop either your own virtual server only or all virtual servers in the server instance. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $sid serverID * @param string $reasonMessage reasonMessage [optional] * @return array success */ function serverStop($sid, $reasonMessage = null) { return $this->getdata('boolean', 'serverstop sid='.$sid.($reasonMessage != null && !empty($reasonMessage) ? " reasonmsg=".$this->escapeText($reasonMessage) : "")); } /** * serverTemppasswordAdd * * Sets a new temporary server password specified with pw. The temporary password will be valid for the number of seconds specified with duration. The client connecting with this password will automatically join the channel specified with tcid. If tcid is set to 0, the client will join the default channel. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $pw temporary password * @param string $duration durations in seconds * @param string $desc description [optional] * @param integer $tcid cid user enters on connect (0 = Default channel) [optional] * @param string $tcpw channelPW * @return array success */ function serverTempPasswordAdd($pw, $duration, $desc = 'none', $tcid = 0, $tcpw = null) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getdata('boolean', 'servertemppasswordadd pw='.$this->escapeText($pw).' desc='.(!empty($desc) ? $this->escapeText($desc) : 'none').' duration='.$duration.' tcid='.$tcid.(!empty($tcpw) ? ' tcpw='.$this->escapeText($tcpw) : '')); } /** * serverTemppasswordDel * * Deletes the temporary server password specified with pw. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $pw temporary password * @return array success */ function serverTempPasswordDel($pw) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getdata('boolean', 'servertemppassworddel pw='.$this->escapeText($pw)); } /** * serverTemppasswordList * * Returns a list of active temporary server passwords. The output contains the clear-text password, the nickname and unique identifier of the creating client. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [nickname] => serveradmin
  *  [uid] => 1
  *  [desc] => none
  *  [pw_clear] => test
  *  [start] => 1334996838
  *  [end] => 1335000438
  *  [tcid] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array serverTemppasswordList */ function serverTempPasswordList() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'servertemppasswordlist'); } /** * setClientChannelGroup * * Sets the channel group of a client to the ID specified with cgid. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $cgid groupID * @param integer $cid channelID * @param integer $cldbid clientDBID * @return array success */ function setClientChannelGroup($cgid, $cid, $cldbid) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'setclientchannelgroup cgid='.$cgid.' cid='.$cid.' cldbid='.$cldbid); } /** * setName * * Sets your nickname in server query * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $newName new name in server query * @return array success */ function setName($newName) { return $this->getData('boolean', 'clientupdate client_nickname='.$this->escapeText($newName)); } /** * tokenAdd * * Create a new token. If tokentype is set to 0, the ID specified with tokenid1 will be a server group ID. Otherwise, tokenid1 is used as a channel group ID and you need to provide a valid channel ID using tokenid2. The tokencustomset parameter allows you to specify a set of custom client properties. This feature can be used when generating tokens to combine a website account database with a TeamSpeak user. The syntax of the value needs to be escaped using the ServerQuery escape patterns and has to follow the general syntax of: * ident=ident1 value=value1|ident=ident2 value=value2|ident=ident3 value=value3 * * Input-Array like this: *
  * $customFieldSet = array();
  * $customFieldSet['ident'] = 'value';
  * $customFieldSet['ident'] = 'value';
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $tokentype token type * @param integer $tokenid1 groupID * @param integer $tokenid2 channelID * @param string $description token description [optional] * @param array $customFieldSet customFieldSet [optional] * @return array tokenInformation */ function tokenAdd($tokentype, $tokenid1, $tokenid2, $description ='', $customFieldSet = array()) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } if(!empty($description)) { $description = ' tokendescription=' . $this->escapeText($description); } if($tokentype == '0') { $tokenid2 = '0'; } if(count($customFieldSet)) { $settingsString = array(); foreach($customFieldSet as $key => $value) { $settingsString[] = 'ident='.$this->escapeText($key).'\svalue='.$this->escapeText($value); } $customFieldSet = ' tokencustomset='.implode('\p', $settingsString); }else{ $customFieldSet = ''; } return $this->getData('array', 'privilegekeyadd tokentype='.$tokentype.' tokenid1='.$tokenid1.' tokenid2='.$tokenid2.$description.$customFieldSet); } /** * tokenDelete * * Deletes an existing token matching the token key specified with token. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $token token * @return array success */ function tokenDelete($token) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'privilegekeydelete token='.$token); } /** * tokenList * * Displays a list of privilege keys available including their type and group IDs. Tokens can be used to gain access to specified server or channel groups. A privilege key is similar to a client with administrator privileges that adds you to a certain permission group, but without the necessity of a such a client with administrator privileges to actually exist. It is a long (random looking) string that can be used as a ticket into a specific server group. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [token] => GdqedxSEDle3e9+LtR3o9dO09bURH+vymvF5hOJg
  *  [token_type] => 0
  *  [token_id1] => 71
  *  [token_id2] => 0
  *  [token_created] => 1286625908
  *  [token_description] => for you
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array tokenListist */ function tokenList() { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('multi', 'privilegekeylist'); } /** * tokenUse * * Use a token key gain access to a server or channel group. Please note that the server will automatically delete the token after it has been used. * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $token token * @return array success */ function tokenUse($token) { if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } return $this->getData('boolean', 'privilegekeyuse token='.$token); } /** * version * * Displays the servers version information including platform and build number. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [version] =>
  *  [build] => 1340956745
  *  [platform] => Windows
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array versionInformation */ function version() { return $this->getData('array', 'version'); } /** * whoAmI * * Displays information about your current ServerQuery connection including your loginname, etc. * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [virtualserver_status] => online
  *  [virtualserver_id] => 1
  *  [virtualserver_unique_identifier] => bYrybKl/APfKq7xzpIJ1Xb6C06U=
  *  [virtualserver_port] => 9987
  *  [client_id] => 5
  *  [client_channel_id] => 1
  *  [client_nickname] => serveradmin from
  *  [client_database_id] => 1
  *  [client_login_name] => serveradmin
  *  [client_unique_identifier] => serveradmin
  *  [client_origin_server_id] => 0
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array clientinformation */ function whoAmI() { return $this->getData('array', 'whoami'); } //******************************************************************************************* //************************************ Helper Functions ************************************ //******************************************************************************************* /** * checkSelected throws out 2 errors * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [success] => false
  *  [errors] => Array 
  *  [data] => false
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array error */ private function checkSelected() { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $this->addDebugLog('you can\'t use this function if no server is selected', $backtrace[1]['function'], $backtrace[0]['line']); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('you can\'t use this function if no server is selected'), false); } /** * convertSecondsToStrTime * * Converts seconds to a strTime (bsp. 5d 1h 23m 19s) * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $seconds time in seconds * @return string strTime */ public function convertSecondsToStrTime($seconds) { $conv_time = $this->convertSecondsToArrayTime($seconds); return $conv_time['days'].'d '.$conv_time['hours'].'h '.$conv_time['minutes'].'m '.$conv_time['seconds'].'s'; } /** * convertSecondsToArrayTime * * Converts seconds to a array: time * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [days] => 3
  *  [hours] => 9
  *  [minutes] => 45
  *  [seconds] => 17
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param integer $seconds time in seconds * @return array time */ public function convertSecondsToArrayTime($seconds) { $conv_time = array(); $conv_time['days']=floor($seconds / 86400); $conv_time['hours']=floor(($seconds - ($conv_time['days'] * 86400)) / 3600); $conv_time['minutes']=floor(($seconds - (($conv_time['days'] * 86400)+($conv_time['hours']*3600))) / 60); $conv_time['seconds']=floor(($seconds - (($conv_time['days'] * 86400)+($conv_time['hours']*3600)+($conv_time['minutes'] * 60)))); return $conv_time; } /** * getElement * * Returns the given associated element from an array * This can be used to get a result in a one line operation * * For example you got this array: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [success] => false
  *  [errors] => Array 
  *  [data] => false
  * }
* Now you can grab the element like this: *
  * $ts = new ts3admin('***', '***');
  * if($ts->getElement('success', $ts->connect())) {
  *  //operation
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $element key of element * @param array $array array * @return mixed */ public function getElement($element, $array) { return $array[$element]; } /** * succeeded * * Succeeded will check the success element of a return array *
  * $ts = new ts3admin('***', '***');
  * if($ts->succeeded($ts->connect())) {
  *  //operation
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param array $array result * @return boolean */ public function succeeded($array) { if(isset($array['success'])) { return $array['success']; }else{ return false; } } //******************************************************************************************* //*********************************** Internal Functions ************************************ //******************************************************************************************* /** * __construct * * Note: When specifying a numerical IPv6 address (e.g. fe80::1), you must enclose the IP in square brackets—for example, [fe80::1] * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $host ts3host * @param integer $queryport ts3queryport * @param integer $timeout socket timeout (default = 2) [optional] * @return void */ function __construct($host, $queryport, $timeout = 2) { if($queryport >= 1 and $queryport <= 65536) { if($timeout >= 1) { $this->runtime['host'] = $host; $this->runtime['queryport'] = $queryport; $this->runtime['timeout'] = $timeout; }else{ $this->addDebugLog('invalid timeout value'); } }else{ $this->addDebugLog('invalid queryport'); } } /** * __destruct * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return void */ function __destruct() { $this->quit(); } /** * __call * * prevents your website from php errors if you want to execute a method which doesn't exists * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $name method name * @param array $args method arguments * @return array */ function __call($name, $args) { $this->addDebugLog('Method '.$name.' doesn\'t exist', $name, 0); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Method '.$name.' doesn\'t exist'), false); } /** * isConnected * * Checks if the connection is established * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return boolean connected */ private function isConnected() { return !empty($this->runtime['socket']); } /** * generateOutput * * Builds a method return as array * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param boolean $success true/false * @param array $errors all errors which occured while executing a method * @param mixed $data parsed data from server * @return array output */ private function generateOutput($success, $errors, $data) { return array('success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors, 'data' => $data); } /** * unEscapeText * * Turns escaped chars to normals * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $text text which should be escaped * @return string text */ private function unEscapeText($text) { $escapedChars = array("\t", "\v", "\r", "\n", "\f", "\s", "\p", "\/"); $unEscapedChars = array('', '', '', '', '', ' ', '|', '/'); $text = str_replace($escapedChars, $unEscapedChars, $text); return $text; } /** * escapeText * * Escapes chars that we can use it in the query * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $text text which should be escaped * @return string text */ private function escapeText($text) { $text = str_replace("\t", '\t', $text); $text = str_replace("\v", '\v', $text); $text = str_replace("\r", '\r', $text); $text = str_replace("\n", '\n', $text); $text = str_replace("\f", '\f', $text); $text = str_replace(' ', '\s', $text); $text = str_replace('|', '\p', $text); $text = str_replace('/', '\/', $text); return $text; } /** * splitBanIds * * Splits banIds to array * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $text plain text server response * @return array text */ private function splitBanIds($text) { $data = array(); $text = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $text); $ids = explode("banid=", $text); unset($ids[0]); return $ids; } //******************************************************************************************* //************************************ Network Functions ************************************ //******************************************************************************************* /** * connect * * Connects to a ts3instance query port * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array success */ function connect() { if($this->isConnected()) { $this->addDebugLog('Error: you are already connected!'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: the script is already connected!'), false); } $socket = @fsockopen($this->runtime['host'], $this->runtime['queryport'], $errnum, $errstr, $this->runtime['timeout']); if(!$socket) { $this->addDebugLog('Error: connection failed!'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: connection failed!', 'Server returns: '.$errstr), false); } else { if(strpos(fgets($socket), 'TS3') !== false) { $tmpVar = fgets($socket); $this->runtime['socket'] = $socket; return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); } else { $this->addDebugLog('host isn\'t a ts3 instance!'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: host isn\'t a ts3 instance!'), false); } } } /** * getQueryClid * * Returns the server query client id * * @author toxiicdev * @return int value */ public function getQueryClid() { return $this->runtime['bot_clid']; } /** * executeCommand * * Executes a command and fetches the response * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $command command which should be executed * @param array $tracert array with information from first exec * @return mixed data */ private function executeCommand($command, $tracert = null) { if(!$this->isConnected()) { $this->addDebugLog('script isn\'t connected to server', $tracert[1]['function'], $tracert[0]['line']); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: script isn\'t connected to server'), false); } $data = ''; $splittedCommand = str_split($command, 1024); $splittedCommand[(count($splittedCommand) - 1)] .= "\n"; foreach($splittedCommand as $commandPart) { if(!(@fputs($this->runtime['socket'], $commandPart))) { $this->runtime['socket'] = $this->runtime['bot_clid'] = ''; $this->addDebugLog('Socket closed.', $tracert[1]['function'], $tracert[0]['line']); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Socket closed.'), false); } } do { $data .= @fgets($this->runtime['socket'], 4096); if(empty($data)) { $this->runtime['socket'] = $this->runtime['bot_clid'] = ''; $this->addDebugLog('Socket closed.', $tracert[1]['function'], $tracert[0]['line']); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Socket closed.'), false); } else if(strpos($data, 'error id=3329 msg=connection') !== false) { $this->runtime['socket'] = $this->runtime['bot_clid'] = ''; $this->addDebugLog('You got banned from server. Socket closed.', $tracert[1]['function'], $tracert[0]['line']); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('You got banned from server. Connection closed.'), false); } } while(strpos($data, 'msg=') === false or strpos($data, 'error id=') === false); if(strpos($data, 'error id=0 msg=ok') === false) { $splittedResponse = explode('error id=', $data); $chooseEnd = count($splittedResponse) - 1; $cutIdAndMsg = explode(' msg=', $splittedResponse[$chooseEnd]); if($tracert != null) $this->addDebugLog('ErrorID: '.$cutIdAndMsg[0].' | Message: '.$this->unEscapeText($cutIdAndMsg[1]), $tracert[1]['function'], $tracert[0]['line']); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('ErrorID: '.$cutIdAndMsg[0].' | Message: '.$this->unEscapeText($cutIdAndMsg[1])), false); }else{ return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), $data); } } /** * readChatMessage * * Read chat message by its type (Result: http://bit.ly/2dtBXnT) * * IMPORTANT: Check always for message success, sometimes you can get an empty message * and it will return empty data * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *		[invokerid] => 37
  *		[invokeruid] => /jl8QCHJWrHDKXgVtF+9FX7zg1E=
  *		[invokername] => toxiicdev.net
  *		[msg] => It's just a prank bro
  *		[targetmode] => 3
  * }
* @author toxiicdev * @param string $type textserver|textchannel|textprivate * @param boolean $keepalive default false * @param int $cid channel id (required only for textchannel) * @return array data */ public function readChatMessage($type = 'textchannel', $keepalive = false, $cid = -1) { $availTypes = array('textserver', 'textchannel', 'textprivate'); $rtnData = array('success' => 0, 'data' => array('invokerid' => '', 'invokeruid' => '', 'invokername' => '', 'msg' => '', 'targetmode' => '')); if(!$this->isConnected()) { $this->addDebugLog('script isn\'t connected to server', $tracert[1]['function'], $tracert[0]['line']); return $rtnData; } if(!in_array($type, $availTypes)) { $this->addDebugLog('Invalid passed read type', $tracert[1]['function'], $tracert[0]['line']); return $rtnData; } if(!$this->runtime['selected']) { return $this->checkSelected(); } $whoami = $this->whoami(); if(!$whoami['success']) { return $whoami; } if($type == 'textchannel' && $whoami['data']['client_channel_id'] != $cid) { $this->clientMove($this->getQueryClid(), $cid); } $this->executeCommand("servernotifyregister event=$type" . ($cid != -1 ? " id=$cid" : "") , null); $data = fgets($this->runtime['socket'], 4096); if(!empty($data)) { $rtnData['success'] = 1; $msgData = explode(" ", $data); foreach($msgData as $param) { $paramData = explode("=", $param); if(array_key_exists($paramData[0], $rtnData['data'])) { $rtnData['data'][$paramData[0]] = $this->unescapeText(implode("=", array_slice($paramData, 1, count($paramData) -1))); } } } if(!$keepalive) $this->serverNotifyUnregister(); return $rtnData; } /** * serverNotifyUnregister * * Unregisters server notify event * * @author toxiicdev */ public function serverNotifyUnregister() { $this->executeCommand("servernotifyunregister", null); } /** * getData * * Parses data from query and returns an array * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @access private * @param string $mode select return mode ('boolean', 'array', 'multi', 'plain') * @param string $command command which should be executed * @return array data */ private function getData($mode, $command) { $validModes = array('boolean', 'array', 'multi', 'plain'); if(!in_array($mode, $validModes)) { $this->addDebugLog($mode.' is an invalid mode'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: '.$mode.' is an invalid mode'), false); } if(empty($command)) { $this->addDebugLog('you have to enter a command'); return $this->generateOutput(false, array('Error: you have to enter a command'), false); } $fetchData = $this->executeCommand($command, debug_backtrace()); $fetchData['data'] = str_replace(array('error id=0 msg=ok', chr('01')), '', $fetchData['data']); if($fetchData['success']) { if($mode == 'boolean') { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), true); } if($mode == 'array') { if(empty($fetchData['data'])) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), array()); } $datasets = explode(' ', $fetchData['data']); $output = array(); foreach($datasets as $dataset) { $dataset = explode('=', $dataset); if(count($dataset) > 2) { for($i = 2; $i < count($dataset); $i++) { $dataset[1] .= '='.$dataset[$i]; } $output[$this->unEscapeText($dataset[0])] = $this->unEscapeText($dataset[1]); }else{ if(count($dataset) == 1) { $output[$this->unEscapeText($dataset[0])] = ''; }else{ $output[$this->unEscapeText($dataset[0])] = $this->unEscapeText($dataset[1]); } } } return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), $output); } if($mode == 'multi') { if(empty($fetchData['data'])) { return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), array()); } $datasets = explode('|', $fetchData['data']); $output = array(); foreach($datasets as $datablock) { $datablock = explode(' ', $datablock); $tmpArray = array(); foreach($datablock as $dataset) { $dataset = explode('=', $dataset); if(count($dataset) > 2) { for($i = 2; $i < count($dataset); $i++) { $dataset[1] .= '='.$dataset[$i]; } $tmpArray[$this->unEscapeText($dataset[0])] = $this->unEscapeText($dataset[1]); }else{ if(count($dataset) == 1) { $tmpArray[$this->unEscapeText($dataset[0])] = ''; }else{ $tmpArray[$this->unEscapeText($dataset[0])] = $this->unEscapeText($dataset[1]); } } } $output[] = $tmpArray; } return $this->generateOutput(true, array(), $output); } if($mode == 'plain') { return $fetchData; } }else{ return $this->generateOutput(false, $fetchData['errors'], false); } } /** * ftSendKey * * Sends down/upload-key to ftHost * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $key * @param string $additional * @return void */ private function ftSendKey($key, $additional = NULL) { @fputs($this->runtime['fileSocket'], $key.$additional); } /** * ftSendData * * Sends data to ftHost * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param mixed $data * @return void */ private function ftSendData($data) { $data = str_split($data, 4096); foreach($data as $dat) { @fputs($this->runtime['fileSocket'], $dat); } } /** * ftRead * * Reads data from ftHost * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param int $size * @return string data */ private function ftRead($size) { $data = ''; while(strlen($data) < $size) { $data .= fgets($this->runtime['fileSocket'], 4096); } return $data; } //******************************************************************************************* //************************************* Debug Functions ************************************* //******************************************************************************************* /** * getDebugLog * * Returns the debug log * * Output: *
  * Array
  * {
  *  [0] => Error in login() on line 1908: ErrorID: 520 | Message: invalid loginname or password
  *  [1] => Error in selectServer() on line 2044: ErrorID: 1540 | Message: convert error
  * }
* * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @return array debugLog */ public function getDebugLog() { return $this->runtime['debug']; } /** * addDebugLog * * Adds an entry to debugLog * * @author Stefan Zehnpfennig * @param string $text text which should added to debugLog * @param string $methodName name of the executed method [optional] * @param string $line line where error triggered [optional] * @return void */ private function addDebugLog($text, $methodName = '', $line = '') { if(empty($methodName) and empty($line)) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $methodName = $backtrace[1]['function']; $line = $backtrace[0]['line']; } $this->runtime['debug'][] = 'Error in '.$methodName.'() on line '.$line.': '.$text; } } /** \mainpage ts3admin.class * * \section intro_sec Welcome * * The ts3admin.class is a powerful api for communication with Teamspeak 3 Servers from your website! Your creativity knows no bounds! * * http://ts3admin.info */